Should I roll Alliance or Horde?

Dont want to be in a dead server faction wise, what’s everyone doing this time around?

My preference is Horde. I want to play an Undead Mage and heal people with time magic so I can finally fulfill my Nozdormu fantasy

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U will have 4 servers at start… with how it look like non of them will be dead. You like dead go play dead, u probably cant go wrong with either PvP or RPPVP realms

Play Skaven :smiley:

I prefer Alliance… When i played horde (years), i was not amused in PVP about elf stealth or the human stealth detection :smiley:

shadowmelt will be very funny in open pvp ashenvale :smiley:

im going to play alliance aswell this time

For a PvP or PvE realm?

One thing to remember. Blizzard are using active Faction Balancing on SoD realms.

I’ll possibly play Alliance. I would play Horde, i’ve played Horde in many occasions in my 16 years in the game, however i prefer Alliance leveling zones at start . But i don’t know, it will be a last minute call… leaning towards Alliance… Priest… and with the changes in Priest racials maybe Human. Quite boring option , i know.

I want to play horde. Alliance has nice races but their world and atmosphere is so sterile.

Compare WC to deadmines for example.

The zones are also awful. There is nothing magical or interesting about westfall.

When you roll horde, you experience a better world.

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Roll the faction that attracts you the most. But in the end it’s not certain you can join that one because of the faction balance. Depends if you go PvP or not.