Should the forums have private messages?

Hopefully none xD i mean if i was a boost seller. I doubt my sales would increase if i just started bothering people over forums as well.

I think trade chat already serves that purpose to them

you should be able to say whatever you want in it without getting reported or banned for it

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have allot of bannable things to say on your hearth haven’t you? Little one : P

You’d think.

I’ve shared the actual messages behind several of my bans with a few users who agreed they were nonsense, and that includes Tah - someone who has reported me several times himself.

Enough reports will result in a ban in most cases, regardless of the content of your message.

I unironically agree with this statement.

im older than you .
and even in the game your a lil fox and im a tall elf.
and yes i have some goood things to say

The reason why you get banned is because you make it personal and attack people and hold grudges espically for MvPs

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How old are you cause… I have my doubts? xD

Sure, probably has nothing to do with you repeat offending and in general spam posting, ego boosting, troll posts. Lol

claims to be late 50s

i love insulting people man :rofl:
and i accept the punishments :joy:

And your in your 50’s and this is true?

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yes iam . almost

Have you though about taking up knitting to releave stress instead?

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Stress makes you stronger

True, its hard to kill a a dead man.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I am so curious about you rn xD how did you become so old and immature at the same time?

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you have to live in 2 worlds at the same time
and you have to have bad and good of life everyday at the same time :joy:

I inagine its a Benjamin Button type deal.

Hmm interesting… So you handle the age and life with insults and fun at other peoples expense? <.< I am like trying to figure you out.