Should they bring back the OG zones?

When I think of WoW, I think Durotar, STV… Duskwood… I’ve been playing for a while, but none of the zones afterwards really gives me that “WoW” feeling. Yes some of them are very beautiful and cool. Revendreth for me is a cool zone, same with Suramar, but they just don’t do it for me.

What I thought could be a cool concept for the later expansions could be if they brought back the older zones in an interactive way.

The ressources we gather from questing could go towards “rebuilding” the world post Cata. It makes no sense to me, that we are just sailing across the ocean and the world is still in flames and shattered…

So like we’ve tried in previous expansions building Garrisons, building mission tables etc. this time it could be “Send ressources to Northern Barrens to rebuild ____”

Or “Start building a stronghold in Duskwood”
So if player A has the stronghold build and player B doesn’t they simply would just phase out from each other at that place. Phasing is in the game anyways, we see it at the dungeon Neltharus, if you haven’t done the quest, you can’t see the entrance. So it is possible.

It could even bring back some faction war in the whole horde vs. alliance in the barrens and Ashenvale etc.
Imagine the possibilities of world pvp too, honorpoints could be used to “Gather for war!” missions, so all the PVP players that just sit there being honor capped for the entire season could go together and start events, that would have a factions forces march towards enemy stronghold, and the opposing faction would then have to battle it out.

That is what I invisioned the scenario battle in BFA to be (Forgot the name of it…)

I think with the expansions, new worlds, new zones, we are scattering the playerbase too much around. I think it would be cool as heck, lvling and seeng other people run around, instead of only seeing NPCs for 60 levels.

This is just my idea, and would love to hear yours!


I think they should just bring them back with updated graphics and stories.

Cataclysm 2.0, let’s go.

They’re already doing it with Northrend in a few years. And Quel’thalas. I think they’re onto something good there and I hope for more of it.

I’m just gonna drop this off here:


Yeah exactly - I don’t know how extensive it would be for the graphics, but I assume surely from the time Cata happened and now, the NPCs weren’t just walking around a burning world doing nothing about it xD

It feels “empty” to me, that we have these zones that we after 1-2 years just abandon to collect dust…

Get them back, bring life to them instead of trying to re-invent the wheel constantly!

It would be such a cool discovery to go back and find some area you know that was devastated to some past incident is suddenly fixed up and beautiful again. Even discover some hidden gems like NPC’s selling reskinned/recolored past tmogs or something refreshing like food with some current expansion buff, or a potion, unique recipe’s for crafting etc. Would certainly make exploring the world a thing again.


Exactly! The old zones for me were so nice to explore, to enjoy… Even when I just want to chill inbetween ques I go to classic zones. I rarely see myself thinking “Oh let me go run around Drustvar”.

If they update the old zones again I hope the zones won’t be so expansion specific. I hate still seeing tornadoes in many zones 14 years after the cataclysm happened, it’s so immersion breaking.

That is what I hoped we could move away from… Like it being a “post Cata” rebuild… So the quests would give ressources for the player base to rebuild the world… Because it feels super weird that we just have NPCs walking around in rounds still 14 years after haha

With these writers?

I can already tell it’s about to get better.

they should but it’s really limited how much they can change some places. it’s mostly at its limit. the game needs a new engine

That just isn’t WoW to me. I like the style it has.

Everyone is different ofc, but part of WoW’s charm (to me) is how it looks.


Enlighten me, why do you think so?

Stories? Yes, always welcome.

Updated graphics? Not really needed. Just make HD textures for like 70% of the stuff that is in the game. Basically everything from vanilla to, I don’t know, Draenor or maybe Legion (cough cough Dreadnaught cough Judgement cough)

Video looks cool but imo it doesn’t work with the in-game style. Just for a few cinematics.

EDIT: speaking of Judgement…

See the funny thing is, most of WoW’s current graphics are not WoW to me, but that is.

And if you look at cinematic and especially older concept art, it’s not hard to see why.

They changed WoW’s art style significantly away from the original intent that couldn’t be achieved due to technical limitations, which is that video, and into something that looks flat and soft and smooth.

If they do this watch as 90+% of the playerbase quit. I highly doubt people would go and upgrade/buy a new PC just to play with these graphics.

Those graphics are less demanding than the ones we have. :rofl:

I’d love to go back to Eastern kingdoms specifically. I love the continent. I am not a fan of 80% of Kalimdor but ox well it is what it is.

It’s funny because I’m not a big fan of CGI cinematics they did here and there either.

I’m all for the graphical updates they’ve done over the years it’s not lost it’s charm.

+1000€ graphics card to play Ashran/Wintergrasp/any raid and visit any major city, all at 15 frames, but at least we could play the game as it looks in the video.:dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Same! I do like some of the zones in Kalimdor as well, Feralas to me is such a cool zone!

I know they won’t be able to make content in every zone in just one expansion… But man I wish they would go back to the old ones and bring them back to life, instead of continous 1-2 year lasting new zones…

Can’t help but think some zones are created with such passion, such love, only to be forgotten by majority once the expansion passes