They should stay as is.
They should stay as is.
how about bind souls to them to leech off them and shared health pools ?
Warlock - selfish, powerhungry more often than not fel-crazed mages High on the destructive enerigies of Chaos
Not a healing material
It won’t eve nserve their interest to keep you alive, they summon and work with Demons, not some warrior in a two ton armor to boil inside alive or a an arrow shooting hunter or stabby stabby rouge
Got to onest, powerfull, fel wielding demons and the powers of the Twisting Nether
A Warlock don’t need you
It is not in his interest to keep you alive
Healing is as far from them as possible
If they steal any energy, life or soul they steal it for themselves, not for you
You do realize Warlocks are normal heroes of the Horde & Alliance, and not special members of a third, vilain faction right?
O.O Sounds wierd
Let me correct myself; Warlock are selfish, powerhungry more often than not fel-crazed mages High on the destructive enerigies of Chaos
And they are heroes of the Horde & Alliance too!
Happy now?
It won’t change the fact what a Warlock is
Tolerated weapons of mass destruction kept on short leash
Gul’dan is a healer
Let’s stay on the canon lore territory and avoid that burning heap of garbage the Movie was where he once - ONCE - transfered some life force to further his own goals
Exactly. You can keep that as a lore explaination.
Warlocks siphon life and transfer it back into their “allies”, whom they perceive as lackeys, to do their bidding and further their own goals.
See? Still selfish!
They alread doing that with life drain and health funnel… to keep their Demons alive (tho’ those “tank pets” could’t hold an aggro even if their life would depend on it)
Let it go
Warlock will NEVER get a Healing spec
And feel free to quote me on this
TRUE! They’re already doing it!
Which is why it makes total sense.
…to keep their Demons alive
Whom they have a link and pact
That damn class would’t make sense as a palyable one, considering Warlocks are literally responsible ALL of WoW problems
Any and all warlocok should be executed on the spot to cleanse both action - and both faction suffered greatly from them, starting with the orcs who lost their planet and natural colour (and honor and everything else) through the Kaldorei who lost their Empire to the Humans and Elves who died en masse thanks to the warlocks
Sorry if I don’t cry for you not geting a heling spec, Argentina
But sadly Lore long since carwled in the corner, curled in to fetal position and cried… a lot.
Still, you won’t get it
And yes, I can see the future
And no, I don’t care aboutyour “logical, would maker sense” reasons
Let’s end this pointless discussan and thread right and here
Let history prove me right
Mark my word, WoW will be sooner dies and be forgotten than you guys recieve a healing spec
Starting with this would have saved us time.
While I don’t personally support or agree with locks having a healing spec, but the questionable stuff Blizz has done to the lore already… I honestly won’t be surprised if they create some “demon’s pact of support” healing spec.
If it doesn’t work lore wise then MAKE it work by thinking of any stupid excuse or reason you can - Blizzard’s philosophy to some lore decisions and changes…sadly.
it would be rather support spec than healing spec, healing someone at cost of other’s is interesting concept but surely dangerous to put in this game
I actually like the idea OP has.
I dont know why people think warlocks are evil selfish people.
Weve seen examples of warlocks taking these powers for the protection of others, and canonically warlocks have been around saving the world many times over.
Sure there are some bad apples out there, and those people were the origin of the class, but its very clearly moved on since then.
Warlocks fight for the horde and the alliance and act as some of their greatest heroes.
A warlock healing someone with their obviously preexisting healing abilities is not out of character.
I mean, warlocks already heal their team members with health stones and resurrect them in battle. Thats what they do right now. They help their team.
You should learn about based movies.
I think it boils down to very few warlocks being prominent in the lore, and the ones we’ve gotten have pretty much all been evil selfish people.
Warlocks need a better PR team.
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