Tank players need to know a lot more about the dungeon than other roles and are expected to lead and set the pace in addition to tanking.
In my opinion, we could have more tank if casual players could play the role the same way they can play a dps or a heal : just follow the lead.
The main issue is that the tank HAS to be the one taking the lead as he is the only one able to pull safely.
But what if that was not the case ?
We could bring back the lead role (aka the green flag) and add some real gameplay behind it.
By exemple, the leader could have a passive that whenever he pulls a mob (directly or not) the mob gain a shield that prevent the leader to damage him in any way, and the mob damages are reduces by 95% against the leader while shielded.
The shield disapears when the mob takes damage from another player than the leader.
In addition, the shield last at max ~30sec and the mob get a buff if the shield expire out of time.
A casual tank could now follow a dps/heal with the lead role and just get the mobs focus back to him when the leader pulls.
(A tank could take the lead role too)
But then blizzard has to make tanking interesting enough on itself !
Of course this is just an idea that I wanted to share. Feel free to discuss how and why it could works or not.
Only the tank themself knows how much they are comfortable pulling. Another player can’t make that judgement for them IMO.
For those that don’t want to make routes in M+ themselves there are routes posted every week from Dratnos etc that you can just follow. Most other dungeons are just walk forward and in TW they are skip as much as possible.
Don’t worry, if the tank doesn’t pull “correctly” a self-promoted green flag in the group will do the pulls for him. And if it results in a wipe, they will question the tanks lack of ability to recover.
I am for some kind of “default” route shown in game. Like showing a green flag on mobs that are on the route, or something like that. That way as a tank you can say beforehand you are following the default and it is clear for everyone.
I don’t know why more people don’t play tank, I see so many people on wow and social media acting like they are the “last cookie in the package”.
Isn’t playing thank they way to prove others they are right? that they know about the game? I mean they could be one of the most important people on raid and dungeons and not just another dps.
Well you need to have a thick skin as tank. When it is about routing, you cant run any Necrotic wake and get random pings by others on packs you do not want to pull. And that is just about routing.
There are all kind of routes and “pull rhythms”. However, average WoW player lacks flexibility and is extremely dependent on the pattern from twitch/ wowhead.
I personally seen scenarios when players start behaving like actual buged bots when things are not according to the pattern. Which is both sad and funny at the same time.
Also nothing more annoying than that self-proclaimed tutor who spams ping.
You like it or not but routing is way more annoying than work. You wondered why people do not tank. You get an answer. That it does not count for you is good for you. For a lot of others it does.
I tanked since Legion and never changed to DPS, i stopped to play last few years because I feel bored, 95% or more of tanks just go on raider IO and take the router from there, almost none does a route from scratch on low keys (bellow 12).
My only problem so far was been with raids, the tank spots are extremely limited.
Ok. I will look on raiderio. I actually think everyone is just going to the dungeon and tries to make the best of it. People who are doing higher keys are searching for more resources. Except those routes are often difficult to execute or require difficult skips. The noob tanks like me just want to press W (and i think it would be nice blizzard would help with that ingame)
How often does this happen? From my experience, there are just default routes people tend to take. And given that on +10 or higher, you always have Fortified ánd tyrannical (without any odd affix like necrotic)…there’s very little need to change it every week.
The times that I noticed a ping or intentional pull from anyone other than the tank to force a specific/different route I can count on one hand.
Like 95% of the necrotic wake runs? I suppose i do something wrong? Allthough my premade timed it on +13 easy with this press W route.
I suppose i need to get those from external websites. I admit i just try to copy paste the routes my premade does where i heal. Or i clicked something in MDT and just do that every run.
Another example is Mists. Like yesterday i runned it. Somehow a player decides we skip a pack with 2 casters before the first boss (which is terrible when someone dies he can not run back anymore). I dont get it. It is this easy pack or terrible staghorn packs with reavers at the end to make up the count.
After the 2nd boss someone manages to disable the most left mob of the first pack and the group skips it. I just want to play it, but the pressure is just that i folllow. Although now i do not have wings available and also no bubble, which is really nice on the big pull.
No idea. NW is one of those dungeons where very little deviation is possible … apart from some things in the first area…
The pack before the first boss is rather annoying, especially in melee-heavy comps. You need to interrupt two of them, and avoid those spawning things on the floor, all while staying away from the next pack…in my opinion it’s the most tricky pack in that entire dungeon.
That’s just weird. I’d have just pulled it.
For me, this is the case only in the first 2 weeks-ish. From then the base routes are quite clear and most have a similar idea of what to pull and how to deal with most mechanics. I don’t think there’s a lot of deviation possible in the current set of dungeons. Even if it’s possible, you kind of need to go out of the “shortest” way to accomplish it.
Why? You just stack and jump all backwards when you get a new puddle. It is way easier than the next pack which also has 2 casters since there’s only 1 soulcleaver. And when you do not play the pack you have to take a very punishing staghorn-pack at the end.
From a healer perspective the difficulty of that pack before 1st boss and a staghorn pack with AOE + overlapping dots without taking reavers into account, the staghorn packs are about 5 times more difficult.
But well. Here we go. This is why routing is stressfull. Even on a realively press W dungeon we can not agree on it.
Honestly, for the largest group of players it all doesn’t matter. Sure, one pack may be more difficult than the other pack. But not a single pack is that tricky that it is to be skipped to avoid deaths. It’s all manageable by just pressing the 5 specs’ buttons.
Once you are on that level where skipping packs becomes mandatory, routing isn’t stressful either anymore as 5/5 should be aware of the exact route, cooldown locations, etc, prior to starting.