Should,could, would, if and when

What then?

sad times

Yeah i am salty too after my devilshark cape was ninja looted few hours ago.

You should write a philosophy book.

You could ponder deep questions like “Why am I still playing if all I ever do is cry about the game?” and other mysteries of the universe.


you should read it then, see if you can find out why you always say the same thing like it’s new, heeey kinda like OP is doing, who woulda thought

Wherever smb claims this should just be taken off the internet

after i quit wow, i started playing abit hearthstone every now and then, got 150 hours
and i reach top 10% playerase already. with 6000 rating. LOL

i like this gamemode, you can be good without spending money. good on you blizzard.

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Who in the what now?

All the faith he had had had had no effect on the outcome of his life.

people still play hearthstone ? woooooowww

would of thought everyone would see a money sink when saw one.

I’ve played it twice. Gotten mounts for playing it twice. Uninstalled it twice. There seems to be a pattern :thinking:

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We’ve subbed to WoW for closing up to 15 years now… So no. We never have and never will.

We’re all here… Forever… Weclome to Game hell. Or the Maw. Whatever you wanna call it.

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the battleground mode is good, no paymment needed what so ever…

i played up to the goblin v gnomes thing … then well too many expansion too soon to actually bother to try keep up with it.

not the same as playing a good card game irl imo.

fair point Skullstalker…

can’t argue that.

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BG = 8 players in FFA last man standing and every one comes without a deck and all card drawn is random, u dont need to own a single deck or card to win. pretty fun tbh.

does sound interesting tbf… don’t think i can make myself actively play anything blizzard atm though… too much bad blood :).

which game mode? BGs or duels?

BG yea, u can buy some skins and a new bartender look or what ever, but as far i understand its just cosmetic stuff.

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