Blizzard previously said i think once the raids went live that they would increase the heirlooms to 85. Any news on that?
They are, atleast the new Cata heirlooms (head and cloak). Don’t think I ever read that all heirlooms will work post level 80.
They said looms will go to 85 after first raid opens. That happened for, as you said, cloak and helm from g vendor. They didnt say anything about the rest looms and i dont remember which expansion introduced the gold upgrades for heirlooms. But im afraid it was mop or wod.
Hope they add a vendor soon so we can upgrade looms from Wrath. I got tons of alts that I want to lvl up!
That happened in 5.2 though originally
Don’t wait tbh. With head and cloak heirloom, 10% xp bonus from guild and 1 level rested I did 80-85 in about 10 hours of playtime on my shaman alt. Didn’t even go hard, just did some chill questing mixed up with RDF dungeon runs. I’m sure you can speed that up even more if you try.
Was it not MoP and Justice point to upgrade
I think it turned into gold in like WoD or legion
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