The question should be “Who do you watch do the same content over and over with no personality and not grab the rope?”.
Not really most people watch the streamers they enjoy. They tend to have personalities. That’s what makes them interesting to watch. Unless it’s a pure skill level thing.
Twickel as I like chilled streams and she is responsive to viewers. Though I mainly have it on in the background whilst playing WoW or do Picture-in-Picture mode and overlay it on top of my WoW screen if I’m doing chill content myself.
Jdotb were good watch for m+ during bfa along with nerftank, theres many others too these were just few I remember as funny positive dudes and fun to watch pushing high end content. Same kinda for pvp that too many to name but I guess could name Hayne cause he stream arena everyday and occasionally creates some competitions and such. I also like to watch Supatease and Cdew and Absterge for pvp, I think they are smart guys and shows the content I wish to see for now.
If I would start name every streamer I like and out of nostalgia there would be long list of psheros and ziqos and everyone since vanil, I feel bad for not giving them honor mentioning all 500 good streamers out there who would deserve it but have to try prioritise for retail and current content somehow
I’m more of a YT video person but if I watch wow streams I usually watch Pikaboo, Payo, Jokerd or Whaazz.
The obvious choice.
Does Josh Strife Hayes who played wow for a bit during BFA count? I’d only watch him really.
All nice and cozy streamer’s who actually talk and do stuff with there viewer’s.
Agreed. Her bossguides are generally quite nice for the average player as well, I don´t watch them myself anymore, btu I do recommend them for anyone having prolems progressing later in teh season … I would actually put her right behind SSB, personality wise, I just forgot about her because I haven´t watched her in ages
OneAzeroth is awesome. One of his last videos was about people who play with friends (especially tank + healer) are mentally unstable juveniles Pure comedy-channel.
I don’t really watch any of them now.
Did he say why he went to jail?
Something about tax evasion.
YouTube (admittedly some of these are due to the recent Secret clues)
Bellular Gaming
Lord of the Warcraft
Signs of Kelani
…some of those above, plus
… there were others but look like they are no longer active - need to do a tidy up!
…then there is X/Twitter - some of these above
Mythic+ blizz events
I like ButchX3 on youtube. Seeing him try retail and classic for the first time is fun.
I am playing wow all day long . Where the hell should i get the extra time from to watching others do it. Watching guides, yes, quite often but Streamers ? No thx, then i prefer watch the stream building in my pants when i go 250 + kp/h on my 30 yrs old motorcycle.
I also really like Metro (OneAzeroth), and enjoy the the Growl Bench Podcast.
I like the fact that you edited your post as if we really wanted to read that.
sodapoppin for WoW
but id rather watch people play CoD Warzone…
wow hasn’t got that excitement its a " fixed" game, not many challenges
Towelliee and taliesin and evitel for retail
AnnieFuchsia for classic