Shoutout Your Favourite WoW Streamer

I don’t watch WoW streamers.

I watch some content creators, but not their streams.
I’ll shout out SoulSoBreezy as a content creator.


I dont really watch streamers, i used to watch Asmongold, but its been a while since he has done anything WoW related.
If there is a twitch drop, i will run Annie’s stream on mute in the background, since she is always online.


I’ll pick Uldi.


Uldi is your favourite WoW streamer?

Yes! Though he’s never on.

I suppose there’s DesMephisto but I’m not sure he is active any more? A guy with autism who played all the warriors and did speed levelling streams for charity. Not that I watched any because I hate streams.

Asmon bald and he doesnt even stream WoW anymore. How about them apples. A guy who doesnt stream WoW is still better than anyone who still streams?

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Asmongold is a master of giving the people what they want, and what they want these days are politics, controversies and drama, not WoW.

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From a guy who started his career as a WoW player, is that a good or a bad thing? I think you know the answer.

I’m not really into watching streams but I do like these content creators

I don’t watch streams, ever. I’d rather play the game…

I do watch some YouTube channels occasionally however for updates and such, like T&E and Bellular.


Nannexx :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_heart:

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Larkus is best streamer ever to live.

I don´t watch streamers, I only log on to twitch as a viewer to grab promo mounts in a muted+minimized browser window, usually Max’ (Liquid)

But As far as Content Creators go, SoulSoBreezy for organized + concise information (and a bit of positivity instead of the constant hate trains many others like to ride to get views), T+E for speculation, and Bellular primarily for the weekly podcast to get a bit of both in the background while raiding. I used to watch Accolonn back when he would do deep lore speculation, but that´s been quite a while and it appears more and more that he´s just becoming another Asmongold farming views :wink:

If I had to choose one it would be Soul by a country mile, and he does also stream regularly. :beers:


Hard to pick just one.

  • Quazii for the best M+ guides and interviews with top M+ players.
  • AutomaticJak, MadSkillzz, and LBNinja7 for great healer guides and discussions.
  • Max and Dratnos for all kinds of raid and M+ related discussions.

Never watched any streams in my life .the best i have done is watch maybe a video or two if i had to see mechanics of boss in dunegon or raid.

There could be no soul without defiler

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I rarely watch WoW streamers but if I do it’s HazelNuttyGames, she’s just such a chill person.


I dont really watch wow streams, but i used to watch alot of jdotb before. I watch some wow streamer on tiktok though, their name is Scfplays.


I don’t watch streamers. They rarely engage with the community in an authentic manner.

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Towelliee, no doubt :hammer_and_pick: