#showtooltip not showing tooltip

so here is my macro… works well but when i hover over it it doesnt show tool tip and cooldown is only shown when im hovering over players. what am i missing ?


/cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] Blessing of Protection

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#showtooltip will show the tooltip of the action that’d be taken. If you do not mouse over anything, no action will be taken, so no tooltip is shown.

If you want to force the BoP icon and tooltip anyway, use this:

#showtooltip Blessing of Protection
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Blessing of Protection

Or you can do something like this:

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][] Blessing of Protection

This will have a fallback of (trying to) cast BoP on your target, if the former conditions are unmet. Since it has a fallback that works without conditions, #showtooltip will show the tooltip too, under all circumstances.


I KNEW I FORGOT SOMETHING these “[]” after my conditions… yeah sorry for dumb question

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It was a perfectly sensible question. Macros aren’t the most intuitive thing in WoW :slight_smile:

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