Shylock put a password on /world channel, again

After kicking the largest portion off the LFG channel (not to be confused with LookingForGroup), Shylock has been kicked from his guild and invited into another by Desralock.

Friendly suggestion to blacklist these two people if you’re not in favor for this kind of behaviour. They’ve been goading people in the official LookingForGroup channel afterwards.

EDIT: They’ve been banned from Morning Tea, The Iron Sun and multiple other guilds they’ve tried to join. Please leave these guilds alone.


Why would anyone need LFG channel?

Hundreds of people just used it as another way to look for a group, considering LookingForGroup is constantly spammed full. It was an unofficial channel so perhaps bound to happen, though still a colossal d*ck move.

He’s just taken over /world and started mass kicking.

If he is any true to his name, tomorrow he is going to charge people for being able to join all those channels.


what a legend. can someone do this at the horde side aswell? :3 I would love it! :popcorn:

Woh woh. We have manner in the Horde. Don’t get us involved in this cheap typical Alliance trick.


Yup he is a douchebag and I’ve blacklisted him and his current guild.

They struck again today. Passworded the /world channel, multiple people filed GM reports on player harassment and technical chat issue categories on them, they all respond with the same thing:

As a privately created channel, it’s moderation remains in the players hands and this is entirley outside of Blizzards influence.
Private channels are free to be used as players wish, they can add/remove anyone they wish, password the channel or such as well.

This is borderline retarded, ruining communication for over 500+ people for some laughs by a single person, and Blizzard doesn’t do a thing.

Sounds like a you problem

Sounds like he got tired of being repeatedly corpse-camped by us when he’s failing to kill low level Horde and had to take his antics elsewhere. Poor baby.



There is /Lookingforgroup already, ehat is the point of /world?

calm down McConnell.

Because LookingForGroup is specific to look for a group while World is for anything?

Only used for LFG anyway. Good to see some moderation in the channel by Shylock.