Stage 1 reach the camp , it stop there doesn’t do anything no matter what i do .
Am i missing something out ?
When you get to the camp you’ve to build things by clicking on them in the game world then there’s a couple of NPC’s you need to kill. It should progress after that but if not it’s probably bugged.
I can confirm it’s bugged , i’m trying on another alt right now , the 2nd stage doesn’t happen .
Still 1st stage , You have to reach the camp .
On both ocassions i wasn’t there at start i just saw the horn on the minimap and it i went to do it .
I guess without any players it bugs .
What’s curious that some1 has already fed 10 stacks to Beef ( the frog dragon ) .
So many bugs this expansions , Sprucecrown it’s been for week before last patch now it’s already bugged on my realm .
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