Sigh, ret is bad

again, please god do something with ret palas in PVP. its like the bottom tier melee. Mostly a support class… please blizzard help us. The CC is very low considering other classes ccs. Mobility is really bad, if u meed a mage/lock you have zero mobility all game, and all the maps are huge now. If ur using hollowed Ground the cc will break. If we sit a full cast lob we are in big trouble if the casters know how to play. Please just bring back some dmg buffs, mby a buff to mobility and we will be fine again. Cheers


whats bad about it ?

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You have to be more specific … you are talking about pve or pvp ,damage or healing … what needs to be fixed according to your opinion?
Vague posts like this don’t contribute anything and certainly won’t help fix what you think needs fixing.

Updated text

But but but…we are range.
But but but…you have bubble.

but but but… ye at 1500cr its easy
but but but…still easy at low mmr

every school gurls entry class.
Play something else.
You clearly have demands that describe something else.

I would take Damage buffs over mobillity as long as when we connect we are pumping during avenging wrath or crusade.

Remove dawn light or empryean hammer and see where rets end up on the damage meter no where near it said this since the start

Problem is when wanting a dmg buff VS a new ability is that its short sighted.
A dmg buff might be made mute the very next major patch/season as they tweak around many things. A new ability is meant to last. That dmg buff is instantly forgotten!

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Well its not just wanting damage buffs its actually having blanket nerfs that have been in since shadowlands removed nerfs to avenging wrath final reckoning final verdict the list goes on

Thats the cost of “hero talents”. They just added a bunch of dmg abilities and shaved of dmg from older abilities. All they did was relocate where the dmg came from.

Thats the major problem of just adding new dmg abilities rather then actual abilities like a gapcloser. If a new dmg ability is added another or 3 (or more) needs to do less.

You dont find it weird that a Heralds WoG heals for LESS then a Templars? Its cause they get healing from other sources aswell! So the main one got nerfed! Adding a 20k HoT means nothing!

And tbh, i kinda like this sustained dmg profile over the 2 min burst one prior. Didnt love the time outside wings much.

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Yeah i hate eternal flame with a passion i really do i just wish the hero talents worked the way they did on the beta where you didnt have to select all of the talents to confiirm the tree they were optional i want word of glory back and to able to play herald of the sun

yeah i could, but i love playing my ret, its just so frusturating that whenever ret is good" its too good" and gets insta nerfed.

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lol is not even good its average at the best, the most kitable class and the first melee in deaths in arena-bg, ret and warriors. at least the warrior has slow and anti healings, haha ret lol is back.

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The borrowed power problem all over again kinda but not exactly.
It is just bad game design when an ability is nerved only to not make it as powerful with spell.
The other issue is scaling as always.