SIGN-UPS CLOSED [RP - PVE Feralas Campaign] - The Monsoon War - 12/10 - 27/10

This looks awesome. Steamfist would be very interested in joining ^^ We’d probably be 15 ish people or so.

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I see a good few preemptively give their guild and numbers so i’ll do the same~ :eyes:

The Iscaria are interested in joining we’d roughly be 4-8 or so people. ^^

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Sounds like a really fun time! If there’s a spot for an individual available I’d be very interested.

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Hey there , If there are open spots for individuals please do count me in!

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Heads up, warriors!

We’re happy to announce that signups for the campaign will open on Friday 08/30 20:00!

Remember, it’s first to the mill for slots in the events while camp RP will be unlimited. If you’re yearning to secure a place for the events it’s a good idea to have the forum thread open and ready for the post on Friday.


While I’m no longer leader of the guild, I’ll be sure to ask those in charge of guiding it whether they still wish to attend. I’d say our numbers are still around four to six.

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I would be interested in joining as a solo on Horde side

Division Twenty Three would be also interested in joining, with around 8-15 people.

I hereby declare the signups OPEN!

Please use the following format:

Guild Name/Character Name:
Contact (In-Game Name):


Q: My character is neutral. Where do I belong?

A: No fence-sitting!

Jokes aside, you have to stick with your faction even if your character doesn’t feel strongly about it. There isn’t going to be any faction conflict to compromise your character’s neutral values, but this isn’t the campaign for you if you’re looking for purely unaligned roleplay.

Which brings us to…

Q: When do I get to burn the next world tree/stomp Vulperas?

A: On your own time. This is not a RP-PvP campaign and both the Horde and Alliance will be facing a common enemy with overwhelming numbers at their disposal.

Q: I’m not interested in the events but I want to participate in the camp roleplay.

A: Camp roleplay is open to everyone and does not require a signup. Only sign up in this thread if you’re looking to participate in the DM’d events with limited slots.

To be a part of the downtime roleplay, all you have to do is show up at your faction’s camp once the campaign has begun. No army is complete without a train of questionable individuals trailing after them.

Q: I’ve signed up. What happens next?

A: It’ll take a few days for us to compile the list of signups and once that is done we’ll drop the link to the campaign discord in this thread. Leading up to the campaign, there will be an IC briefing roughly a week before launch. Don’t worry, we’ll return with a date, time and location well in advance.


Guild Name/Character Name: Division Twenty Three
Contact (In-Game Name): Garathil
Numbers: 8-15
Faction: Horde

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Guild name: The Iscaria.
Contacts (In-game): Aéowyn, Inetris, Alávara.
Numbers: 8-10 roughly
Faction: Alliance

Guild Name/Character Name: The Crimson Vanguard
Contact (In-Game Name): Sathorn
Numbers: 6-9
Faction: Horde

Guild Name/Character Name: The Song of the Sun
Contact (In-Game Name): Elesionar
Numbers: 3-6
Faction: Alliance

Guild Name/Character Name: Ilrenya
Contact (In-Game Name): Ilrenya
Numbers: 1
Faction: Alliance

Guild Name/Character Name: Shadowleaf Watchers
Contact (In-Game Name): Callean
Numbers: 11
Faction: Alliance

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Guild Name: Nightborne
Contact (In-Game Name): Remethion / Astralìs
Numbers: 3-4
Faction: Horde

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Character Name: Vakosh
Contact: Vakosh (H) / Umbraeus (A)
Numbers: 1
Faction: Horde

Guild Name: Bladewing
Contact (In-Game Name): Aerilen / Delyrien (H)
Numbers: 1-2
Faction: Horde

Signing up as an individual:

Guild Name/Character Name: Andreleth
Contact (In-Game Name): Andreleth
Numbers: 1
Faction: Alliance

Guild name: The Bladecrest Sentinels
Contact: Oceanrage, Saleysea/Wildbough
Numbers: 5-8
Faction: Alliance