SIGN-UPS CLOSED [RP - PVE Feralas Campaign] - The Monsoon War - 12/10 - 27/10


Would be intrested in taking part in a campaign but cant say if it just be me or not nor how committed given how long it is to it but holler me interested.
Also may or may not if I can switch between horde and Alliance.

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Oh~ Dates have been posted, when do the sign-ups start? :eyes:


If there is a place for individuals to sign then either myself or my Argent Crusader would be interested immensely.


We will start the Sign-ups around the end of August/begin September.
The post will remain updated with news etc.

Reminder that while there will be a cap for how many we can DM for, there won’t be one for the camp RP and the stories that are created there.


Bit early to make any big commitment, but the Argent Compass will show if possible! :>


Can’t wait for this, I will be sure to sign up when the time comes.

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Alright, Grimtusk are showing up to help the local tauren.
5-10 in numbers.

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This is an interesting initiative, Meladriss! Will do my best to attend and tag some friends along. Love to see some more activity in Feralas!


Asked around in the guild and there’s a few interested as well!
Looking forward to the event Meladriss!

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The days look to line up pretty well with any existing conflicts my schedule might face in the near-future.
I’d be interested in coming and making contributions on the Blacksmithing end of things! I once had this smithing service called ‘The Windfallen Forge’ I once started but never got properly started. This might be a good chance to get it going!

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Sounds great, might be a couple of expeditions for highborne relics and books come october. :saluting_face:


If time allows, I may show face on Iszy or another character! Looking forwards to this.

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That’s great! I want to point out that I welcome such initiatives with open arms and will make certain it will not go unnoticed when it happens!


This sounds interesting! Looking very much forward to it :slight_smile:

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I will say there will likely be around 10-13 of us. Not sure of exact numbers yet but it will most ikely be the whole gang. :slight_smile:

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RAH! I will wipe those pesky elves out of the woods for the Dragonmaw!

Wish to confirm Song of the Sun will attend in order to help bring peace and stabilization to the region. (Totaly not doing it to prove our allegiance to the Alliance rumours all of it)
I can’t confirm numbers but expect between 3-15 depending on how many we are at that point in time.

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The Bladecrest are definitely interested in this campaign!
Estimating a rough number of 3-5.


After a few more words, we are definitely in for the campaign, interested and looking forward to it.

We estimate a rough 4-5 people to come along with us officers!

Will keep checking for those sign-ups !