[SIGN-UPS CLOSED][MAGE CAMPAIGN, 28th Aug-8th Sept] WAR ON MAGIC: The Second Fall

It’s happening! Great turnout at the initial gathering, and an immersive speech plus Q&A! :mage: :man_mage: :woman_mage:


It was an interesting gathering to listen in on, and I did not even pick any pockets, or make any business contracts! Of course, I am keeping to myself, rather not bump into anyone if not expected, just fuelled by curiosity.


Oh god, oh god! I realized I forgot to sign up for this campaign (I thought I did >.< and then got too immersed in TWW to double-check).

Still, want to join the waitlist in hope that there will be any spots free for some of the events, because there’s a LOT in this for my Lein, who is a Kirin Tor mage.

(For Alryssa too, but it is Lein who is affiliated with Kirin Tor).

What an amazing opening night!

Loved every second of it!

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Loved the event tonight! Thrilling, immersive and so well coordinated! Big kudos to the DMs and NPC puppeteers. It was a treat to roleplay TWW starting scenario in such great company.


A resplendent looking campaign! I only wish I’d had the good sense to sign up!

Hope you’re all having fun!



Day 4: We delved into the treacherous underground, time being of the essence to free our captured companions from the clutches of the nerubians. Some pictures:


Looking very cool! Would’ve signed up myself but I had to keep the timeslot open for when my guild got back into the swing of things.

Hope you’re all having a good time!


The journey continues ever deeper underground; the Arathi are met, mutual benefit is sought, and the trail of the mages’ lost comrades turns hotter. But will help come too late? Some pictures of the last two main events, enjoyed in particular the cliff & tower climb stealth mission where we could still get the general picture of the boisterous distraction group in action.


Is there a ghost in your merry band of Magi? :man_mage:t2:

Eitherway it looks like real fun, and its a shame I couldn’t join any due to real life circumstances! :weary:


Pictures of ‘The Heart of Darkness’ aka Very Epic Finale!

A shame you couldn’t make it but perhaps we’ll see you soon at the Violet Vanguard!


Super cool to see these screenshots. Makes me wish I had a mage character so I could’ve attended this campaign. Well done!


To round things off on my end, a few screenshots of yesterday’s final gathering at Dunelle’s Kindness.

Thanks so much for a stellar campaign, it made TWW already a hundred times more exciting for me! The smooth organizing, teamwork and passion that went into running it was nothing short of astounding. :sparkling_heart:


Looks solid :ok_hand::ok_hand: Saw some photos on AA

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