[SIGN-UPS CLOSED][MAGE CAMPAIGN, 28th Aug-8th Sept] WAR ON MAGIC: The Second Fall

When? 28th of August - 8th of September

What content? An arc centred around the fall of Dalaran to Xal’atath and the nerubians, catering to Kirin Tor characters in particular and mages in general.

Who? Like in the last WoM campaign, mage characters only.

Sign-ups: See[[Mage RP, TWW spoilers] WAR ON MAGIC: The Second Fall | The Argent Archives](https://www.argentarchives.org/node/272320)and get the Discord invite.

Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTpPeJ78yto

Poster: [0BzMqkL.jpeg (2526×3750) (imgur.com)](https://i.imgur.com/0BzMqkL.jpeg)


The Sons of Lothar, the Second War and the Council of Seven Nations, the War of the Lich King, the resolve of Algalon and the madness of Malygos, the Burning Legion, the battle of Suramar and the invasion of Argus, the rise of the Primalists… Countless times, Dalaran has come to the aid of the rest of Azeroth; countless times, it forsook its own safety and sacrificed its best and brightest to stand as a frontliner in global conflicts, existential threats and cosmic horrors.

This time, however, it is Dalaran finding itself in dire need of help.

An old enemy is on the rise, cunning and ruthless; one who the Kirin Tor has been researching for months and months, ever since the whispers some refer to as ‘The Radiant Song’ have been echoing across the planet; one who knows just how instrumental Dalaran would be in stopping her, were it to be left standing.

Soon, summons will be distributed and old debts collected; and once more, Archmages Moonblaze and Jendrock will be calling the mages of Azeroth to the historical haven of their kind.

OOC Information

After the success of War on Magic: Magebane, held last november, we will be running a second WoM campaign - this time, to accompany the massive lore event that will be the Fall of Dalaran.

We know from TWW beta that the city will be attacked by Xal’atath and the nerubians in the very beginning of the expansion, and subsequently destroyed. This event itself will take place on the first days of the campaign, followed by a storyline dealing with the aftermath - and, of course, our collective revenge.

‘Event days’ (see timeline below) will be DMed by the KTI officer team, and the side-events provided by other DMs will accompany the story beats to diversify the feel of the main storyline. There will be combat, naturally, but also investigations, camp and travel RP, scouting missions and diplomacy; and due to the nature of the story, made to accompany a lore event and the discovery of new zones, this campaign will be more character-driven, with a fairly straightforward plot, no static campaign hub (as we will be on the move), and no major played antagonist like Magebane was to the first campaign.

The storyline will nevertheless deal with heavy themes of grief and revenge, kicked off by catastrophic collective loss, and have some horror elements as we descend into the depths to track down the nerubians; so if you are looking for a light-hearted experience, this might not be the campaign for you!

Sign-ups, like last time, will be handled on The Mage Quarter discord (see link above), and the attendees of the first War on Magic campaign will have priority: we aim for around 90 attendees, or two full raid groups per ‘big’ event night.

Events Timeline
  • Aug 28th, A Violet Summon: Initial Gathering
  • Aug 29th, The Vanguard: Event Day
  • Aug 30th, The Second Fall: Side-events
  • Aug 31rst: Picked Apart: Event Day
  • Sept 1rst, After Them: Side-events
  • Sept 2nd, The Descent: Event Day
  • Sept 3rd, Allies in the Deep: Side-events
  • Sept 4th, Knocking On Hell’s Door: Event Day
  • Sept 5th, Rest When They Are Dead: Side-events
  • Sept 6th, The Heart of Darkness: Finale
  • Sept 7th, The Torn Banner: Side Event
  • Sep 8th, Those Who Lived: Final Gathering

The event days highlighted in bold are those of the main storyline, where attendance is the most encouraged; but like last time, we will have campaign journals to catch up those who understandably cannot attend every major event.


Can I DM/join the IC leadership?

We already have a core DMing team for big plot events, but we are looking for people willing to host smaller events, general activities and fluff (preferably plot related, such as exploration/scouting, social, research etc, but nothing is theoretically off-limits as long as the Kirin Tor would realistically sign up on it). Contact ‘Acheleus’ or ‘Jendrock’ on discord!

As for IC leadership, the two big bosses are the main campaign hosts’ characters (Acheleus Moonblaze & Kelly Jendrock), but if your character is a GM/officer or an official from a faction, they can be invited to act as representatives and secondary leaders. It would be especially welcome if you are willing to DM as mentioned above!

Any more race/class/faction restrictions?

The OOC class of the character doesn’t matter, as long as they are mages ICly; the only races we could restrict are dragons, since they are too powerful compared to the average mage character, and dracthyrs, since they aren’t mages like other races in the lore, and having versatile tanks/healers wielding different sorts of magic would defeat the purpose of the campaign. However, IC thalassians/humans characters using the visage form OOC are of course accepted.

Any RP/PvP?

No RP-PvP: this is a strictly RP-PvE campaign, and the only in-game characters you will be put up against are campaign NPCs played by our DMing team. The Kirin Tor being neutral, any escalating faction and interpersonal conflicts will result in the aggravating party being kicked out of the campaign.

Why a strictly mage campaign though?

The KTI caters to this RP niche, and since this is a campaign centred around the magical defence then the avenging of Dalaran, we are aiming to have battle-ready mages only (which is why we will not take ‘civilians’ and non-mage dalaranians).

If you regret the lack of diversity in this campaign, there probably will be many more you can check out closer to date - or host yourself!

The last campaign was one of the best RP experiences the hosting team had - we look forward to seeing returning attendees enjoy this one as well, and to share our story with new ones!


Ready to mage it through come what may!


WOOOOO WoM 2 hype


Looking forward to round two!


WE :clap: LOVE :clap: CASTING :clap: SPELLS :clap:


This stands to be a problem. Don’t miss it, folks!


We will have so much fun we will bring down the whole city.


I suppose someone ought to rifle through the detritus of Dalaran and locate any objects of power.

For safeguarding, of course.


Addendum: We are seing that slots are filling up very fast and we are already nearing our cap, so this is an opportunity to remind people that:

Sign-ups are LIMITED, and there is a hard cap at 90. Please only sign up if you are certain you can attend at least several events, enough to follow the storyline. If you aren’t sure whether you will RP or do content as the expac drops, and are just ‘reserving’ a spot for your own convenience or as a soft interest check, please leave your sign-up for someone who will prioritise RP and campaign attendance!

We have a lot of passionate players who are dying to follow this arc and RP out the consequences of such a huge lore event, and these people should be given the priority

Thank you :mage:


Sign-ups are now temporarily closed!

There is always a bit of wiggle room, so if some people desist in the next 2 months, there is still a chance you can make it! Stay updated on Discord

Thank you for the tidal wave of interest and see you all in a few weeks - we will continue to post promo material and information here in the meantime (and if someone with forum permissions would like to repost our teasers/posters/roadmaps in this thread, we would be eternally grateful :saluting_face: )





I shall sneak in and work my magic on your valuables. Could be a good investment!


Gentle bump, and some additional information, since the campaign is only a month away!

To attend, you do not need to be max level since the expac will have barely launched, but you do need to have:

  • The new expac, obviously,
  • Completed at least the (currently untestable) Dalaran Fall scenario, and the intro quests to Dornagal.

This will avoid phasing issues, and as we move further into the new zones, there will be reminders of what you need to complete to attend each event. To be safe, we recommend that you complete the main levelling storyline with the character you will attend on as soon as possible.

Thank you :mage:


WoM Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdTMlI3ngcs


If someone with forum permissions could repost it, we would be very grateful :pray:
Literally spent the whole evening in VC throwing it together, we are D E D I C A T E D


Heh. Imagine signing up on time. Bunch’a nerds!

…bye dalaran…

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Another small announcement!

Since the campaign will deal with the fall of Dalaran and the start of the expac, we will be launching a new hub after it concludes to continue the story:

The Violet Vanguard: https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/tww-neutral-rp-hub-the-violet-vanguard-hallowfall/525618

If you cannot make it to the campaign, did not sign up fast enough or will attend the campaign but want MORE, this is the place for you!


Ah was hoping maybe a few (Totally not villainous sorts) would be able to join this to (Totally not help the opposing side) But fair enough, still hyped for this if there are any screenshots of the event on Argent Archives none the less

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Alas! It’s going to be a big event with 80 attendees and a lot of ground to cover, so player infiltrators/villains could derail the scripted content :pensive:

However if you want to do some Void shenanigans in our new incoming post-campaign hub, feel free! You can find it in the thread above

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