Significant FPS drops when looking at Anima Conduit streams

After patch 9.0.5 dropped there are large FPS drops when looking at or being near Anima Conduit visual streams. I’m playing on a y5070 laptop, and was running in 20-25fps range before patch. Now zones like Elysian Hold are pretty much unplayable with 7-8fps with no addons and every possible setting set to minimum (even lowering resolution scale to 533x300).

I’m pretty sure it’s the Anima Conduit zone-wide stream effects after checking it on Kyrian, Night Fae and Necrolord characters with conduits open, and then going to the same spot with a character without said conduit. For instance, going to Hero’s rest in Bastion as Kyrian and watching at Elysian Hold from a distance gives me 10fps. Doing the same thing from the same spot on necrolord character results in 22-24fps without any issues. May be a higher quality texture ignoring settings after the patch.


A lot of users are facing the same problem. I just hope the devs are seeing are messages.

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FPS issue everywhere here as well.

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Can’t do m+ anymore, but hey we can get valor…
addons disabled, -20/30 fps

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Playing on M1 Mac mini.

Before 9.0.5 I was keeping a steady 60 fps at all times, now FPS drops down like crazy everywhere up to 20-30 fps! Really really bad, hope they fix this asap.

It seems to be a MAC issue, there is a blue post on the American forums on this case.

its not mac issue. i have same problem on normal pc with windows 10 every driver updated, no addons etc.

Let’s hope they come back with some update. I think we will be waiting a while.

I’m a 3080/9900k on driver 460.89 and occasionally notice the game micro stutters randomly. 

Just hitting dummies in castle natria.

Spires of Ascension also suffers from massive FPS drops when facing forward, but fine if you look behind. Drops to 19 FPS with lots of slowdown and stuttering.


yep castle nathria was fine 150+, spires i get 55fps, had to play the whole thing with camera topdown.

Zoned into spires - it had a bit of stutter just after zoning in. In my SL early benchmarks I had ~162 FPS average when in combat with the first pack. Today not in combat ~110 FPS when looking at the first pack (and ~190FPS when looking at the exit).

Curious if it’s the same regression as with Rustbolt that happened in BfA? :wink:

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Each expansion has always been more CPU/GPU intensive than the previous iteration.

i9-9900K, RTX2080 Super : not only do I have less frames than before the patch in most zones, but Spires is litterally unplayable aswell for me.

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Same here average drop of 16 fps

This is irrelevant.

People didn’t have the FPS issues before patch and after the patch suddenly people have FPS issues. It’s definitely something that was added in the patch which contributes to this issue, not people’s specs, whatever. If Blizz asks us what hardware we use in hopes of giving the blame on us, then it won’t work. It doesn’t matter what hardware I have if before the patch everything was fine and after it wasn’t.


With the latest patch the FPS have improved somewhat, so I can’t really complain that much given my setup.

Right so your constructive input to this thread is…?

On-topic: M1 chip here, 16gb ram, game runs at 90fps. spires is at 20-30fps.

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Maybe check my other posts and come back to me again?

Yes, off topic.

Edit: oooh I found the ONE that was not. well done!
