SIGNUPS CLOSED [Rp-PvP Campaign] War on All Fronts: Howling Fjord - Jan 6 - Jan 13

My homie

Holy titballs, is this trainwreck still going?

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It will keep going until Blizzard locks it or the squad gets tired.

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Be that aā€¦ healer?!



I just wanted the elite gladiator set for once. Except none of my friends were interested in playing anymore and everyone I get as a randomer is less than intelligent. Iā€™ve yo-yoā€™d between 1400 and 1500 on my warrior and paladin alike for weeks.

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Fun campaign, despite all the d r a m a.

Special shoutouts to The Three Hammers for being absolutely terrifying - suddenly getting surrounded by 3-foot-high men with hammers six times in a row was a particular highlight.

Thanks Chook!


Hi there, Iā€™m just a friendly priest in healing spec, whatā€™s happening here?
Anyone need some HEALS?


Bait in ten characters.


Soā€¦ How has things been going?

Iā€™ve not been around with my Magā€™har Orc in a while, been doing World Quests on my Demon Hunter so I can get a Dark Iron rolling.

So I guess everything is going fine? Judging by the massive amount of posts from last time I checked this, looks like people had a gay old time.

And by gay I mean a positive or cheerful disposition, and not the manly penetration of the bum.


ā€œManly penetration of the bumā€.


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Truth be told, this was a piece of dialogue from one of the older South Park episodes. Still quite funny nonetheless.

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Knuckle crunch




A great thank you to Chyou for a rather fun campaign. I have to say that itā€™s the most Iā€™ve RPd in years and that the Sinā€™dorei Pavillion will be making a return in future campaigns!

I also look forward to the big Public Inquiries on either side.


Just keep doing it. It took me 40 games get out of 1.5k hell to 1.6k

The only gang


I had loads of fun throughout the campaign! Thanks for those in the Horde camp who played along with my nonsense in the evenings it was amazing. Thanks Cheaoka for the organisation. And thank you to Grim Gest too for fighting us at the end despite the problems.

Made some good new rivals and some new frenemies as well. Good stuff.

Also, Sledding.


Personally I had great fun at the campaign, I met lots of people on both alliance and horde!

Atahalni, our duel was hilarious when you kept MCā€™ing me off the cliff, was great fun!

Morsteth and friends, sorry for that one evening where I went a bit overboard in rp-pvp before realising that fight was restricted, hope thereā€™s no hard feelings.

And ofcourse my last evening in Northrend, where a DMā€™ed event turned into something far more when Betti and two of the Bilgewater Batallion showed up to try and gobnap Desartin once again, that was also fun!

As for the drama, I was thankfully not a part of that, but I find it sad that an otherwise great campaign had to end on something like this.


Certainly one of the best campaigns, yeah :slight_smile:

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