Silvermoon <Excuses> 8/8 HC AOTC - Recruiting for Mythic Progression

The ancient bridge over Azj-Kahet groaned under the weight of the raid team, assembled and ready—well, almost ready. Below, the Nerubians scrambled into formation, looking as if they had a shot. They didn’t. The raid leader stood at the front, grin wide and energy high, like someone about to lead a charge with half a plan and twice the confidence.

“You smell that? That’s the scent of glory, folks. Or maybe it’s spider guts… Either way, I like it. Welcome to ‘The Day We Kick Nerub’ar Right in the Mandibles.’ I’ve been waiting for this one!”

They clapped their hands, eyes sweeping the team. “Here’s the plan: We smash, grab, and walk out buried in epic loot. No speeches, no complicated strats—just kill everything that gets in our way and grab the shinies.”

The raid leader locked eyes with the Warlock. “Got a soulstone this time? No? Of course not. Wouldn’t want to mess with tradition. keeps things exciting.”

Next, they turned to the Bear Druids. “Alright, Bears—clockwise means CLOCKWISE. And let’s not get pulled off any platforms this time. We’ve only got so many battle rezzes, and I’m not using them on gravity mistakes.”

The team laughed, tension giving way to anticipation. “And remember: if we wipe, we blame the Gnome. Doesn’t matter if there’s even a Gnome in the group—that’s how it works.”

The raid leader grinned wider, pacing with electric energy. “Look, we all know why we’re here: LOOT. Fancy titles, achievements—meh. I don’t care about any of that. But loot? That’s what makes this whole mess worth it. Big damage numbers, shiny new gear, and flexing in town after the run—that’s why we do this.”

They spun toward the palace gates, dark and webbed over with magic. “Those bugs in there? They’re just standing between us and upgrades. Let’s go show ‘em how motivated adventurers get when the loot table looks spicy.”

Join the Hunt for Epic Loot:
The Guild Excuses [EU] is recruiting!

We’re looking for:

  • Shadow Priest
  • Warlock
  • Beastmaster / Marksman Hunter
  • Augmentation Evoker
  • Mage
  • Boomkin

Other classes welcome—if you show up, we’ll find a way to make it work!

Raid Nights: Wednesdays & Thursdays, 7:00pm - 11:00pm UK time.
Recruiter Contacts:

  • Norvo#2341
  • Discord: norvo