Hey man what’s up!
I remember you!!!
Too bad we won’t be able to remake the guild since the bgs will be rolling way down the line and I don’t know if I have time to make a new char and deck it for 59.
But we can remake the 60 guild, novensilles wasn’t it? I will be playing on ZT this time, hit me up in-game, name Komarod!
Could be fun, but I’m on a nostalgia trip on Pyrewood with some IRL’s from back then, Nostraz and Acalis if the ring a bell. I rage quit during end of Cata, so I’m prolly just back for a few month
Guild “Royal Heilan Coos”, character “Espah” (tauren hunter).
The guild migrated to Magtheridon later on, so not sure if anyone remembers.
I mostly recall guilds like Praetorians, Regulators, Alliance of Filth (I think?), Moral Decay…
We did bunch of PvP too (Jahodka, Wutah, Spankyah, etc.)… good times
Character - Lahdidah
Class - Hunter
Guild - Hellroar
Hellroar was one of the first small guilds on Silvermoon, did pvp/raided with Core and eventually migrated to Chamber of Aspects during the Great Horde Exodus
We’re back in Classic on Mirage Raceway and looking for any old Silvermoon refugee’s! (Also still semi active in retail on coa)
People I remember: Feoz, Zeof, Zalak, Moist, Necrolover/Paladinbarbie, Hoofit, Piestabber, Fiddlesticks, Voltor, Yammer and many more that I’m forgetting!
People YOU might remember: LeahSublime, Windelpoons, Affinity, Zenobi, Skumbag.
get in touch!
That was Abaddon, I have a screenshot of him jumping around inside the Orgrimmar bank, he was ranked Lietenant General at the time, pm me and I’ll send you the screenshot
HI Lahdidah, I remember you. I played McCoy, Undead Mage in Core. Then made Peesontrees, my resto druid for TBC. Premades with the rest of the Core group were some of the best memories in Vanilla. We had a really good server back in those days.
Folks might also remember Daemontithe (mage), Littlejon (Warrior), Galoan (Shaman) from Core.
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MOOOOOOOO Hashaps always shaman !
McCoy omg, amazing! good to see you :3 and yes, remember all those names - we had some excellent times with Core. We’ve got Affinity, Zenobi and Skumbag on Mirage Raceway atm as various characters and most of the rest of Hellroar.
Hope you’re enjoying classic as much the second time round the way we are!
Hey Lahdidah! I remember you very well. Always friendly
Fiddle and the Hoof(Hoofit) , the memories!!!
-Piestabbber (Female UD rogue)
Well I’m massively late to the party on this. Howdy matey. Moist here. Haven’t played in a few years now but those pvp games were so much fun. Hope you’re doing well. You still in touch with Littleton? Pass my regards on to him.
Lahdidah, good to hear from you too. Hope you’re well.
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moist:D are u still playing?=)
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I came back for legion and the first bit of BoA but real life has very much got in the way. Who are you?
Hmmm, reading the thread above with more than a skim I’m guessing you’re piestabber.
Hey I think I remember you lol and Abaddon the warrior you’re talking about from Praetorians.
Hi, I remember the guilds Mensa, Core, Regulators, Praetorians, If in doubt AFK out I even remember Greek Horde A lot of names here are ringing bells from the past. Moist, Ratman, Abaddon and Nosfiarmus.
I was an Undead Holy priest called Charlomane (still am on Retail). My alt was an Undead Rogue called Axeman
I was in a few guilds which I can’t remember the names of right now, Praetorians at some point, Regulators and possibly Mensa too. Also migrated to Chamber of Aspects. It would be great to get in touch if anyone remembers me. I will probably recognise voices better than names from the Teamspeak. I did drink a lot in those days
Before joining a big guild in vanilla I was GM of a little guild called The Foresaken which only allowed Undead. If anyone was ever a member or remembers that I’d love to hear from them. /gutterspeak
Hi all.
Used to play on 2 mains back in the day. Quit just before Cata.
Hellpwned: Mage class leader of Praetorians.
Catalan: Rogue in the Turncoats guild.
Would love to know if anyone is still playing!