Silvermoon Horde Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Silvermoon in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

Blayze, tauren Warrior.
I think the guild was called the LAN Loungers.
I’m pretty sure we had someone called Hoofit on the server.

I played a Troll Shaman called Shamason in the guild Amaranthine - Anyone that remembers me really

Deadjon, Undead Warlock and Shamanicjon, Orc Shaman.

I was in the guilds LAN Loungers (Late Classic), Cookie Inc and Eclipse (Early TBC)

Hoofit was definitely a guy on the server. Pretty sure he was GM of If In Doubt AFK Out.

Used to play with guys called Roofteller, Taurenswe, Abomination and a few others.

• Jelly, Undead Priest / Koomie, Undead Mage
LANLoungers & Dementation (The GM was Dwarfkiller I think?)
• Anyone that I need to appease for my terrible DPS back then.

Akiro - Tauren shaman, changed few guilds while leveling in classic but after that I was in MENSA till WOTLK

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Name : Taurex
RAce : Tauren
Guild : Moral Decay / Shadows of Doom
Battlenet : supernova#2746

Mortaugh Tauren Warrior

Guild: Stygian Horsemen / Freaks Of Nature, later in TBC short dip in MENSA and Turncoats

People I remember
Uruziir, Zedenn, Gerya, Agramon, Takashi, Khanzo, Mortalbane, Soylitsa, Kasanaki and tons more


I was a troll warrior, Dabigtooth.

This is part me trying to reconnect, and part me wanting to apologise. When i was playing vanilla, i was still a kid. Hormones, puberty, no brain, etc etc. I did a lot of stuff that i cringe to remember - not because i was some griefer or anything, but just because of how dumb i was.

At some point i joined a guild - < Henchmen >. You guys allowed me to offtank, to learn from you, and we did some MC runs. Then some nice tank loot dropped (Dark Iron Ring from Gehennas i think), and i refused to pass it on to the main tank (because i thought it was super important for me), even though whole guild was asking me if i could please do it. And you let me keep it when i said no.

And then i applied to Dementation (because they had slightly better progress. Yup.). I was denied in no uncertain terms.

Suffice to say, i was kicked - and i can understand that, i acted like an ***. And im sorry. You gave a kid like me a chance to get better, and i acted like a ****. If any of you recognise me - I am so, so sorry. Not because i ruined anything, i hold no illusions over me being significant in any way, but because you deserved better.

But yeah. That’s something off my chest. Peace, friends!

Random shoutout to Cncfanatics, who we played with quite a bit in early days of vanilla before drifting apart. “Class leader sunken temple runs” and all that…

Also shoutout to folks in < Mensa > and especially < Champions of Draenor > (before they moved to COA). Ha, i still have some of the forum signatures i’ve made for people on my old photobucket account… Seratorz, Chironous, Sertorius/Caesarion, Melinaperez/Divalicious/Langston, Asylia, Huwragg, Warforge, Maeldrach, Dragonwolf, …

And of course Bragor. The legend who i met while being a noob, and he helped me with my first RFC run. I saw my first green item. Bragor was wearing blues (OMG!). We talked about how there was a talk about some purple items at high level. We stayed friends for most of vanilla. He actually tried to talk me out of doing the dumb stuff i did (read above)… Unsuccessfully :confused:

I miss ya bud.

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Character: Nosfiarmus
Race: Undead
Class: Warlock
Guilds: Henchmen, Freaks Of Nature, Mensa

And Hello Koomie, Akiro, Mortaugh and Dabigtooth ofc :smiley:

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Long time no see, Nosf! You got a reddit or discord or smth? Chatting here on forums is unreliable :stuck_out_tongue:

Character: Drpizka
Race: Undead
Class: Rogue

Started playing in late Vanilla, just a few months before TBC launch. My first guild was the “Greek Horde”, being a complete noob back then I thought it would be a good idea to play with fellow countrymen. I quickly understood why Greece invented drama, lol!

After the “Greek Horde” disbanded, in early TBC, I joined the “Legion of Darkness” for a few months, where I started raiding Kara with them. Another drama occured, and I ended up creating an international guild with a bunch of British and Dutch friends, called “Uneven Ratio” (hint: the Horde was the vast minority in the server).

I had lots of fun with these guys, but eventually we couldn’t go past Gruul; So I decided to pay to transfer my char to the Draenor server, where I managed to kill Illidan within 4-5 months.

From Silvermoon I remember great guilds like “MENSA”, "If in doubt AFK out", “Brute Force”, and of course the guild that I joined after I moved to the server Chamber of Aspects in late TBC, “Champions of Draenor”.

I look forward to seeing you all in Shazzrah

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Oh man been so many years and I still remember your name Nosfiarmus :smiley:

I DO remember that troll hahahahah, we were fooling around together for quite some time back there :smiley:

Well The good ol Silvermoon horde :smiley:

Prolly nobody remembers me :stuck_out_tongue:

Name: Beeftekis
Race: Tauren
Class: Shaman

Was a member of Fifty Niners later known as Novensilles, Fun times!

yup!!! Daddy Hoofit!!! insanely fun dude! was speaking in third person “The hoof this, the Hoof that” Great pvper as well

Orc Hunter called JFletcher

Had a spell in LAN Loungers, MENSA, The Dungeoneers before the split.

Recognise most of the names here.

Remember lots of people from Turncoats, Dementation, Reign in Blood, Praertorians.

Anyone else remember cownages rock outside the bank?

Lyekka, undead mage
Reign in blood

I played an undead warlock named Ratman, and this orc warrior named Wacro.

I was in Unholy forces of evil, a guild that disbanded pretty early, most people from that guild joined a casual guild called Crimson Circle.
I also had a brief stay with Amaranthine.

Crimson Circle was full of amazing peoole and we raided for a bit with members from wraiths and strays if i remember correctly.

Ps: i remember an undead warrior from Praetorians i think, with t2 and thunderfury, but i dont remember his name. Met him in tyrs hand, and was blown away that he could solo those mobs with such ease :rofl:

I think I remember you, was in 59ers too, played a lot with FC and Skylimit

Name: Helmerdk
Race: Tauren
Class: Shammy, Restro