Silvermoon should stay Horde

Please Blizzard listen to me now. We blood elf fans don’t want to share our majestic city with filthy male human paladins who try to make selfies with their high elf wives. Make the expansion continent somewhere else. Quel’thalas isn’t even large enough to host more then 3 zones. The best apparoch for this would be by turning all of the TBC content a revamp where the starting zones stay intact just with new quests while the endgame gets a different place where the level 90 people can be.

With firm salutes, a loyal blood elf fan since 2006.


That’s oddly specific :sweat_smile:


I know people are expecting Silvermoon to be like the replacement Night Elf hub and both factions can enter.

I don’t have a problem with it allowing Alliance visitors in the same way.

My raid team is a mix of Horde and Alliance, we are no longer enemies.


I get it… Female paladins with their high elf wives only. Preach, brother.

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I think the Horde should be Orc only and we should kick out those presumptuous elves…

But… sometimes… I get a little bit of acceptance in my heart… because we can agree atleast on this:

Filthy… humans…


What has horde come to? What’s next? Savoir Vivre lesson quests for orcs?

I am always expecting the worst from Blizzard really. Better be prepared then sorry.

Nah… Haute Cuisine…

We went to eating roasted boars with our hands… wearing a rag in the crotch as “fancy clothes” to…

Escargots ala marinara… with knife and fork…

What have we become !!! :open_mouth:

Garrosh would be so displeased !

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Well I do have a problem. There is no need making an entire starting zone from a core race since 2007 neutral just to appease to a vocal minority of high elf fans.


I hear that in this voice


Some Night Elf players were equally upset that the Horde could enter the new NE capital too.

I’m not saying you can’t be upset.

Both of my FOrc toons are ex-Kron’Kar… and are racists…

Long live Garrosh !!!

There. I said it. :smiley:

Lok’tar Ogar

Filthy Alliance… Filthy Humans…


Garrosh didn’t even seem like the rest of the Horde much

For me, Garrosh post Cata does not exist. That was a mistake. An alternate timeline…

The real Garrosh still holds honor and strength in keeping the Orc race pure. And he is still WarChief… And he kicked out all the elfs out.


Teldrassil was destroyed. It was never shared with the Horde. The PVP status was the same.

Erevien, you will be the first sin’dorei to be hang on the tree front of the entrance of silvermoon near lorthemar and thalyssra heads on pikes.

One day, we quel dorei, we ll be back. Restoring the crown and the supremacy of Quel dorei

With no human paladins with elves wives

No bastard allowed
No troll and orc ambassador allowed
No fel crystal allowed

Repent or death

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im with you in this case but half of the city is just a ruin with mindless zombies running around in it. you know?
Isnt exactly majestic.

i guess it will be a relief since these ambassadors are wandering the city since 2007…

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We ll throw them of the city.

Trolls in Silvermoon is an outrage

I prefer 500 dwarves drinking beers in silvermoon than ONE troll


Replace “Blizzard” with “Erevien” and I’m pretty sure that’s how many people feel when they see a thread created by you.