Im looking for a guild to do Mythic + and Normal/Heroic Raiding with.
Ive just come back to the game 2 weeks ago currently have 474 gear. I play Protection Paladin and can raid or M+ most days.
If no raid tank spots available no worries happy to fill in when needed.
My battle tag is gcarm76 #2845
If you are still looking for a guild, we have a newer guild on Ragnaros that is focused entirely on having fun, meeting friends, helping one another, and enjoying the game. I understand this would require you to server transfer, and understand if that is not something you are looking to do 
If you wish to contact me, undertale22 on discord or HopesNDreams#2993 on bnet
Have a great day!
Hello there, we are a fresh guild that searches for members for our raiding spots, tank included, we are doing normal/heroic and mythic raids as well, plus m+ keys, if you need more info feel free to message me on Battlenet ( Kanetsu#2267 ) in game or any other member!