Anyone noticed that bfa started with war between both factions perciptated by a major war crime (burning of teldrassil) just like in MOP when garrosh bombed theramore and then garrosh went all mad only to be trialed and killed in the end similar to sylvanas fate currently. Also that the jailer is a bad brother who wants global domination and eradication of everything so his kin imprison him down under in the maw just like deathwing was in deepholm only to break free and threaten everything again… so i wouldnt be surprised if all covenant leader had to give their powers up to defeat him just like the dragon aspects did in cataclysm… hell they may as well throw the titans with even sargeras pitching in their powers to defeat such a massive cosmic threat as they are trying to portrait the jailer to be
Yep. Expansions follow a certain pattern. I think the phenomenon is simply the habitual lore recipe for the developers by now.
The Mana Bomb on Theramore was not such a big war crime as Teldrassil though, it was on a lesser level because not a lot of civilians died in Theramore and Jaina was sending soldiers into the Barrens to actively help the Alliance so she made the city a valid military target first.
Meanwhile Teldrassil was officially labeled as a genocide by Blizzard I think as a lot of civilians died. I think as a war crime it’s meant to mirror the fall of Quel’thalas (especially for the presence of Sylvanas herself, in a reversed situation though as Sylvanas was acting like Arthas this time)
Interesting point about sylvanas acting like arthas there i like the irony of it were she hate arthas so much and at one point of her life her sole purpose was tk exact revenge on him only to turn like him a few years later
Still i guess there a pattern that repeats itself at this point like celestella mentioned
WoW story in modern days feels like it’s written by new writers trying to outdo/redo what old writers made
Jailor is a sargeras type character, but actually stronger
Valkyrae are the angels of death, except they’re really just clones of the real angels of death archetype; Kyrian
Actually the scourge didn’t have any of its own architecture, they all just copied maldraxxi
Remember those ethereals? well we have better ethereals now, Brokers. Theyr’e so much better at being Ethereals that they challange the Titans view of the cosmos and dismiss it as dumb.
There’s actually a seventh never hereto spoken of force on top of the 6 we already knew and it’s actually not just one force but an infinite array of forces shaped like a fractal
the only real criteria seems to be ‘it has to be bigger then what we had’
It’s getting a bit much
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