As someone who has played horde since vanilla because of friends happened to play that it’s silly to read these reroll alliance comments just not to have to wait 40mins - 1,5hrs in bg queue, match with premade and que again after 10mins.
I’ve always been pve focused but after enjoying retail type of pvp as an example merc mode to make the game even playable/ enjoyable outside of pve content.
Now when the endless farming, raid logging and preparing is over once we moved from classic to classic tbc I’d say pvp would give great other way to experience the game because everyone needs break from running dungeons or leveling alts every now and then.
Taking in consideration the changes blizzard has already made to the tbc having merc mode or dual spec at this point would be definitely more quality of life change rather than destroying the game play completely. As mentioning dual spec I don’t mind spending gold do respec now at all, it’s just frustrating and thus dual spec would be nice.
Anyway, topic being long pvp ques, merc mode would really let people to focus on playing pvp / gear the character they enjoy playing and honor gained being so low (as far as I remember it wasn’t that much of grinding back in the day) it would be nice to see some changes to this.
Current que situation at the moment basically “forces” me to play 2-4 chars at the moment, while some are sitting on que I might be running dungeon or solo leveling on some other char. This type of game play isn’t even enjoyable since I wouldn’t like to gear, run dungeons or level some characters on each day but rather focus on one or two for pve and one for pvp but queues being what they are makes focusing one or 2 chars impossible and basically burning out players as early as now.
Just because something (merc mode) hasn’t been there but there’s no technical limitations to add that (current game client) Blizzard should consider how long people will continue “just deal with it” or rather quit playing because it’s not something they can enjoy anymore.
Final note, I play on pvp server where alliance / horde balance is like 70/30 so it’s not like world pvp isn’t option but as holy paladin is quite hard