Hello, just real quick before I post my suggestion I want to tell you I enjoy this patch and that I like how you reused Vale and Uldum for the corrupted assault events… It’s nice to go back to those old zones and I hope you create similar optional content like it in the future.
The new Auction House is amazing and thank you for making it so efficent and easy to use… There is one simple suggestion I have for it however, and that’s to be able to keybind the Create Auction button when you’re selling auctions to avoid those large handmovements with the mouse everytime you click a new item to sell.
Tl;dr: Give us the option to make a keybinding for the create auction button while selling items on the Auction house! I’d be thrilled.
/run if not ProxyAHItem then local f = CreateFrame("Button", "ProxyAHItem", nil, "SecureActionButtonTemplate") f:SetAttribute("type", "click") f:SetAttribute("clickbutton", AuctionHouseFrame.ItemSellFrame.PostButton) end
/click ProxyAHItem
Commodity items:
/run if not ProxyAHCom then local f = CreateFrame("Button", "ProxyAHCom", nil, "SecureActionButtonTemplate") f:SetAttribute("type", "click") f:SetAttribute("clickbutton", AuctionHouseFrame.CommoditiesSellFrame.PostButton) end
/click ProxyAHCom