Hey Folks, I’m opening up recruitment for my guild again after a successful first Tier.
We’re a group of Ex-cutting edge players with Veteran level experience playing the game. A very friendly bunch.
This tier we would like to do some mythic content as well, remaining on our 1-day schedule. Our day isn’t set yet. Previously it was Mondays 7-11PM ST but we will let the group decide.
We’re Based on Ravencrest Alliance, but with A+H being linked and mythic going cross-realm. There is no immediate need for a server change.
Simply The best is ideal for anyone who;
Wants to play with nice people
Has limited play time
Isn’t interested in chasing cutting edge
you can reach me on Sean#2897.
We stopped raiding back in January, so no activities are scheduled until May 9th
Recruitment is still open for a couple of roles and classes.
Raid day is set at Sunday 7-11PM Server time. Plenty of breaks.
Want to know more?
We still have space for 1-2 dps (Range Only sadly)
And 1 healer
Sean#2897 for more information
We still have space for some nice people
Want to know more? - Sean#2897
Currently 8/9HC raiding just once a week with some solid progression on Sarkareth.
Looking to add some strong dps to the team to compliment the roster.
Havoc DH
Arcane Mage
Enh Sham
But happy to entertain conversations from other classes and roles
Now Curved 9/9HC.
Still raiding one day a week, all our logs are public.
Sunday 8-11PM server time.
Would like to look at some mythic bosses in the next 2-3 weeks.
Places open for 1 healer and a variety of dps
want to know more?
As Mythic cross-realm is upon us
We would like to do a couple of bosses this tier.
Please do contact Sean#2897 if interested.
We have space for 1 healer and a variety of dps
We had our first mythic raid and managed to clear 3/9M in the one night.
Still looking to add some nice people to the roster.
Sean#2897 for a chat about our openings.
We are opening up some slots for our raid team with the new raid being upon us.
I’m currently looking to add 1 healer to the roster, cannot be a resto druid.
And 2-3 dps. We are very flexible with the dps classes.
We are perhaps one of the best guilds out there based on what we set out to achieve each tier and recruitment is never open long because of that.
We are continuing to play on Sundays 8-11PM Server time.
Tinaturner#4223 On discord if you wish to ask about a place.
We are currently 5/9M and looking forward to progressing Larodar, We haven’t raided for 2-weeks due to lack of interest.
We have space for 1-2 dps players, with a preference towards and Aug and a Boomkin.
_tinaturner (discord) is the best way to contact me
2/8M Completed.
We have some spaces open for a variety of Dps.
Warrior on HIGH priority!
Looking for some friendly people to join us to kill some more mythic bosses
Sean#2897 -bnet
_Tinaturner -discord