Since around 30minutes ago Solo queue unranked Blitz was removed

Since around 30minutes ago Solo queue unranked was removed, now i have to queue to normal BG’s and this are 90% premades, why did you Blizzard remove Solo queue unranked, I can’t join Ranked blitz since my gear is of a new lvl 70 and we cant transfer honor

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I was happy when i saw they kept the Brawl version aswell, so we can play “random bg” with ppl who focusing on objectives and not just damage. I don’t understand why they removed it, i was surprised when they removed the solo queue skirmish in DF too, it was a good place to practice in the DF pre-patch.

Hey, it has been moved to the rated tab, called “Solo Battlegrounds”. Check there and you can queue :smiley:


Not all heroes wear capes :grinning:

But you need 512ilvl and you cant transfer honor anymore

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