because it is literally uncounterable, will Thought Steal also be scrapped? I know it’s not taken that often but it is uncounterable. You lose an ability and there is nothing you can do about it. That’s pretty dumb in my book.
Honestly- i agree.
I mean nobody plays it. But you have a point.
Yes, get rid of it.
Other spells: WDP knockup, Frostbite pls
50 more spells to go, revert cc nerfs, cut AoE and game might be playable hype
a lot of classes need half of their toolkit gutted.Sub rogue is one of the minor classes classes that need abilities pruned.Imo cyclone is way worse then shadowy duel for example.
I disagree under the premise of having counters. Cyclone is one (if not the) most obnoxious cc in the game BUT it can be trinketed or MD’ed. Duel and Thought Steal cannot. You HAVE to sit it wether you like it or not. You can’t dispell it, you can’t trinket it, you can’t anything it. And abilities without any possible counter are just bad design.
Yet they are making Celestial Conduit immune to all forms of CC so the only counter is high mobility spells.
Or a defensive cooldown like when others pop their burst
Most burst can be countered or reduced by something other than a defensive CD though - like the vast majority of offensive CDs. Duel should never exist imo because duel+bomb is uncounterable as they both require the same reaction but the idea of making an offensive require a defensive only seems a bit odd. Guess it doesn’t matter when people use it with other offensives but yeah, I think its as stupid as bladestorm not being disarmable. The fact they gave monks a channelling offensive ability in itself is weird to me.
u can do a lot against duel.A lot of aoe cc/heal works through duel.A lot of players dont know what all works against duel thats why idc that it gets removed.But other classes are much bigger ofenders than sub.
I dont like it either, i play Shado Pan since day 1^^
And well, offensive cds mostly get traded by defensive cds anyways.
Warlocks counter Priests in every single possible way but you’re whinging about a 90 second cooldown that nobody plays which steals your spammable Fear for 20 seconds?
Tell me you don’t get the point without saying it.
I get the point. Warlocks have much more disgusting tools that are played by default than a trash talent which nobody plays which has a modicum of value into 2 classes.
Why don’t you complain about them?
‘This spell doesn’t have a counter to it, no matter how bad it is overall, and the fact it stops me from pressing 1 button on my spec that doesn’t really press that button for 20 seconds, so remove it’.
Curse of Tongues. No counter unless you have a decurser on your team that chooses a talent. Therefore, remove it.
Out of everything wrong with this game, you choose to complain about 1 talent that is played 1 game in 1000. Insane. Just insane.
This is literally the dumbest comparison. If your plan was to disqualify yourself then gz, you did it.
Yes. Because all the other things that are wrong with this game are being adressed here over and over and over. It doesn’t matter if i decide to adress something completely else for a change.
Not really sure why you’re so triggered that i didn’t open the 150th nerf rogue or nerf fury thread.
Feel free to elaborate why. Just because you say something is a dumb comparison doesn’t mean it is. If your premise is ‘this effect cannot be removed during a game so it must be removed from the game’ then the same literally applies to Curse of Tongues.
Complaining about a class you should never lose to in any situation and a talent that nobody plays just either extremely sad or rage bait. You got nothing better to do than to complain about unproblematic things?
Thoughtsteal also takes a brain to use well into the 2 classes it has value into.
i agree with bloody on this one