Since new expansion most of my previously working macros don't work

Hello guys. Like the tittle says, does anyone know why macros such as this one would not work in the latest expansion? They did work before. Thanks! (for anyone wondering i am using bindpad addon for the expanded macros).
/cast [known:Power Word: Life,mod:shift,@player] Power Word: Life; [known:Power Word: Life,nomod,help] Power Word: Life; [known:Power Word: Life,nomod,@targettarget] Power Word: Life; [known:Ray of Hope,mod:shift,@player] Ray of Hope(PvP Talent); [known:Ray of Hope,nomod,help] Ray of Hope(PvP Talent); [known:Ray of Hope,nomod,@targettarget] Ray of Hope(PvP Talent); [known:Divine Ascension] Divine Ascension(PvP Talent)

Macros are now capped at 255 chars whether you make them via the in-game interface or an addon. Just at a glance this appears to be significantly longer than that.

/cast [known:373481,mod:shift,@player] [known:373481,help] [known:373481,@targettarget] Power Word: Life; [known:197268,mod:shift,@player] [known:197268,help] [known:197268,@targettarget] Ray of Hope; [known:328530] Divine Ascension

Did some basic optimization but I’m on my phone so I don’t know how many chars it is.

Elvenbane THANK YOU so much! I was going insane trying to make them work. I am going to optimise them. Thank you!

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