Hello guys. Like the tittle says, does anyone know why macros such as this one would not work in the latest expansion? They did work before. Thanks! (for anyone wondering i am using bindpad addon for the expanded macros).
/cast [known:Power Word: Life,mod:shift,@player] Power Word: Life; [known:Power Word: Life,nomod,help] Power Word: Life; [known:Power Word: Life,nomod,@targettarget] Power Word: Life; [known:Ray of Hope,mod:shift,@player] Ray of Hope(PvP Talent); [known:Ray of Hope,nomod,help] Ray of Hope(PvP Talent); [known:Ray of Hope,nomod,@targettarget] Ray of Hope(PvP Talent); [known:Divine Ascension] Divine Ascension(PvP Talent)
Macros are now capped at 255 chars whether you make them via the in-game interface or an addon. Just at a glance this appears to be significantly longer than that.
/cast [known:373481,mod:shift,@player] [known:373481,help] [known:373481,@targettarget] Power Word: Life; [known:197268,mod:shift,@player] [known:197268,help] [known:197268,@targettarget] Ray of Hope; [known:328530] Divine Ascension
Did some basic optimization but I’m on my phone so I don’t know how many chars it is.
Elvenbane THANK YOU so much! I was going insane trying to make them work. I am going to optimise them. Thank you!
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