Since when did the SW Harbour become Goldshire Lite?

Breed this cocks shotgun

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Believe me or not, it can be difficult to find good ERP in Goldshire lately. Wouldn’t go to Stormwind myself, but I cannot blame the others who decide to give it a go. Moon Guard US is a better alternative, though!

Exactly one hour after my earlier post some trial account with a gross TRP approached a guildie. Trial accounts were an utter mistake.


Have you considered just doing it elsewhere? Maybe on a specific f website, or perhaps just in private? I blame people absolutely, because it’s disgusting to have such profiles in public.

It’s disgusting to have them on wow in general.
It doesn’t belong here.

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How about just not ERPing in a game rated 12+ instead

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Trial accounts should absolutely not be able to access RP servers


I’m certain one can find a free online space for pretending to be an elf who does the nasty with an orc that isn’t an MMO ill suited to such an endeavour.

I have tried the F-website for some time. Didn’t like the lack of in-game representation and didn’t find it as fun over there. I do all of the RP in private though and my TRP is on the subtle side, though! <3

Hey… that’s just mean.

Others will have a problem - I don’t have an issue with two consenting adults doing that sort of RP in a private space like the Garrison or a dungeon. My contention in this thread is the higher amount of people coming into Stormwind - not to RP properly, but making profiles ONLY for that kind of RP. It’s on the nose, it’s rude, it’s not acceptable. ‘Discreet’ isn’t cutting it. Just cut it out.

can’t coom if there’s not a 20 year old game’s graphics attached to it, very reasonable


Honestly Trial accounts should not be able to be seen by the rest of the game world. They have no ability to talk so like earlier this dude just marched into our roleplay and stood on top of a guildie.

Do not want to see them at all, simple as.

They know what they’re doing is wrong, punishable and frankly embarrassing. It’s a shame that repercussions are so easily circumvented by just mashing out a throwaway account.


I had not actually checked Lion’s Rest in a while. Thinking “it can’t be that bad all of a sudden” I decided to take a walk there today. Within a few steps I can overhear a conversation about “stretching out” a certain female body part.

I was just done and noped out of there. That’s enough Lion’s Rest for a while.

I just found two ERPing worgen in the Boralas Inn. No where is safe.


Reminded that the housemate’s child (who is 15 BTW) caught his underage friend ERPing out in /s somewhere.

He was only telling me after the event so there wasn’t really anything I could do with it.

Not true! I see nothing wrong in myself enjoying some roleplaying in whispers or party chat.

I’m actually sure I reported the “bull” trial account atleast once on another character. He was back the next day on another trial.

That said, I still rp in Lion’s Rest and the docks at times, its really all you can do to keep the zone from falling to erp’ers. Sadly also saw a member of a certain truckdriver guild trying to branch out into Stormwind yesterday :frowning:

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What makes you so sure about that? The ‘bull’ characters aren’t very original and you most often cannot distinguish them from one another. Similar TRPs, similar writing styles, similar appearance.

I’d say those were the exact reasons I knew it was the same person. Not just similar, but near exactly the same.

Hold on now. You have truckdriver RP on the Alliance side?
Might faction swap tbh