Since when did the SW Harbour become Goldshire Lite?

Nah, a leader of one questionable guild on Alliance is just allegedly a truck driver and Des was referring to that.


Unfortunate, I’ll create my own trucking guild then.


It’s not even a dating app simulator. That would imply that people have genuine interest in persuing a relationship on their character with another character. This is what annoys me the most out of it. I can’t go with another character (of the opposite gender) anywhere. I’ve done some out of Stormwind adventure once with another character. The first thing that was assumed was my character and that other character got naughty with eachother in the forest, when in reality we came across a murloc roleplayer and had a cool adventure.

I can’t bring someone into the Garrison, because the first assumption is “OH MY GOD ERP!!!” when we are having some tavern RP or use various houses of the Garrison in a group.

What makes me go oof is that talking to another character for an hour or so and it’s really fun, just to suddenly get asked about ERP. If you decline, they leave. That 1 hour of a nice conversation we just had? Doesn’t matter.

That I have to ask though: did you ask the person directly about it? Not in a hostile way, just objectively asking what they are up to? Might be exactly what we think it is, might be someone self-inserting themself and just trying to act all cutesy anime like. I’ve seen it all.

Thanks for your input, I GUESS.

That just sounds like the regular problems of all types of roleplay though. Finding quality is difficult, in your case probably even more so when someone looks for ERP + quality specifically. That’s why certain websites for that exists too. To find individuals that share that interest.

You think it’s that easy to explain, but it isn’t.

I could go on a long explanation why people ERP online, but I will try to be short:

WoW especially has that problem because for them it’s a perfect mixture of visuals and imagination. There’s 3 types of people. Those that needs visuals, those that only use imagination and then there’s the third ones who need both to a certain degree. And where do these people go? To WoW or other online games. The anonymity it offers helps too. The guy who has no chance in real life with any girls because of zero social skills can finally live out his fantasies. The girl that is super shy IRL can too.

And why all of it? Confidence/trust problems and complete control over their own doings.

It’s for them not about the graphics, not about the lines written or whatever. It’s all about having control. Doing all of that with someone else in real life would not work because that means trusting someone else and having confidence in the first place. I’ve met so many people in this game that ERPed actively but had alongside that massive issues IRL. Be it either socially or psychologically. Plus for some it’s sadly “the only thing they can get” [direct quote].

Where else would you have a platform to roleplay on and be your own perfect self (insert)? With complete control over the situation? WoW is one of the last (if not even the last?) MMO with an active roleplaying community. That is its curse.

You can never fully know who you roleplay with unless you know the other person IRL.

I’ve met someone who had a real problem being addicted to ERP. Sure they were 18+ and everything, but each time a stranger accepted their ERP, they knew they were doing something that they shouldn’t due to their own mental health. It made their life worse and their loneliness too. Each time you ERP with a stranger, you might run into someone who might take it too far too. My cousin made unfortunately that experience. She erped with someone in her guild and that someone took things too far. Asking people about her, if she was really a girl, what her name was, where she lived and so forth. It’s a real issue and you can never know if you don’t run into an individual like that. It might happen one day and then it gets uncomfortable really fast.

My point is: you can damage someone or even yourself. Directly or indirectly.

A few months ago I’ve seen a Kul Tiran human biker gang. That was really cool and creative. It wasn’t trolling, they were serious about it. If I can remember it correctly, even made a forum post about their guild. Their mogs really looked like bikers.

I’ve been thinking for a long while, (sadly), that AD sorely needs a Game Master to hang around at peak hours to give players like this (with their bells and collars, and obviously ERP-orientated profiles) a slap on the wrist.

Even a, ‘This is not appropriate. If I see you doing this again, it’s a 24 hour ban for you. Push it, and you’ll face permanent suspension,’ … would scare the life out of most people and convince them to take it somewhere else.

I’m taking a relaxed stance here, obviously, but at the bare minimum this is warranted.

(— To ward off the ney-sayers who think I’m being generous, if it were me handing out the suspensions, I’d do it with an iron fist and let word of mouth do the rest.)


“Down on the ground, this is the ERP police-!”

:gun: :policeman:

“Shouldn’t you be doing this in real life, nerd?!”

“You think a man with an active WoW subscription in 2021 has any chance of getting lai-”

:boom: :gun: :policeman:

“Laid to rest maybe…”

credits roll


Thats actually the closest thing what could happen in a real date
"You are a nice guy, we have a lovely conversation, but lets just be friends… "

Hello Stormwind.

Your feedback has been noted, and I will increase patrols in the harbour. :heart:

Bro why did you have to go make it so real

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I once saw two worgen ERPing in Stormshield.

Time traveling furry ERP.

While thankfully a rare occurrence for me personally, this really is as unpleasant as can be. Worse still is when that IC rejection is met with a very thinly veiled OOC bitterness in the guise of RP.

I vividly recall a human noble going from 0 to a 100 in a flash, because my mage had no interest in him beyond casual conversation. Out came the rage.

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Let’s call it what it is: sexual harassment.

Alas I was a Night Elf Hunter so I had a bow.

If I was a Worgen hunter at the time though? I would go boomstick all the way

Did he wear green?


It’s not Stormwind if not some random human male character begins throwing sexist slurs your way in whisper if your character doesn’t want to date.


Totally agree Aerilen my gamer - I’ve reported countless profiles in my EXTENSIVE and SELFLESS service to Argent Dawn and I’m convinced I’ve seen most of them again at some point down the line with seemingly nothing having happened in the way of repercussions

Yeah, that’s basically the issue. Unless there’s some big spontaneous ‘movement’ (for lack of a better term), the majority of people won’t really get on-board with trying to reclaim an area for non-ERP purposes because it’s the ‘bad boy zone’ that you’re not supposed to go too and you don’t want to be seen in

[cue hamfisted overdone joke about Sylvanas and breaking cycles or something]


They really need to make it so trial accounts can’t use addons…



Do the Final Fantasy thing, where trial accounts can only be played via a trial launcher. And then have that one just not be allowed to use addons at all.

Or just disable them for trial accounts completly. There iz -zero- need for them to have addons.

Either sexist or homophobic slurs, to be exact.


Sadly yes :frowning:

Pretty much.

And I’m saying that as somebody who currently only logs into the game on trial characters (no sub).

Yeah, it’ll blow not having my z-perl, my bartender etc. but it’d stop a lot of these vile profiles too.

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