Single minded fury in TWW

Does anyone know if it will be viable in TWW? I’ve never seen anyone use it. If not and no one is using, why is it still there taking up space in the talent tree, i keep reading that Fury warrior got a rework, but the talent is still there not to be picked again.

They should make it baseline and not a talent. It doesnt make sense to make it a talent. A bit like the marksman buff when they use no pet. Let the game detect your setup and make the buff auto apply.
On a sidenote, they could easily make a different buff when a warrior is using a onehander+twohander. It just makes sense that a warrior is a master of arms and could make any combination of weapons work to swing around with tbh.

even with it not being a talent it still sucks nobody will use it :stuck_out_tongue:

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