Sire Denathrius is a good King!

Prince Renathal is a wrong king we serve, not Denathrius

We want Denathrius and his friends returning

I can’t believe that in chapter 3 of replaying stories in revendreth we began to serve the wrong side Accuser and Renathal

but Theotar Mad Duke is very friendly and so do his friends

I can’t believe that we killed Denathrius’ friends and then he was banished with Remornia

your right he should come back so we can kill him and get his sword as a transmog :smiley:

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Nah, even if he comes back he is weak. We as players are basicaly among the strongest in the universe, we fought Jailer- Universal threath. Sire Denathrius is a wimp. He would need to train in Time chamber or something to have a chance :smiley:

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The only reason he isn’t dead is because Blizz really liked the VA’s performance and wanted to do more with the character. He is going to be back, but i’m pretty concerned that he is just going to be a Nathrezim 2.0 more so than anything else.

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I’m sure they’ll sort it out without our pressence
Flextape the hole in the sky and let Death (= Life part 2) solve itself

In denathridaddy, we trust :pray:

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