Skeram in AQ40 completely broken, breaks talents and glyphs

Dear Blizzard

This bug is still in the game, SINCE THE LAUNCH OF WRATH CLASSIC!

There have been numerous threads about this issue.

(can only post 2 links since I’m a “new” user)

How long do we have to pay monthly subscription for you to fix this bug, which is in the game since almost 2 years now?

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It’s really disheartening how little Blizzards cares about Classic WoW.
There’s been so many bugs with 0 fixes and 0 acknowledgements that they’re aware it’s broken.

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It’s not like they don’t care about WoW Classic. They frequently release hotfixes for SoD.
It’s just that they apparently don’t care about CATA.

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Just replying to share some more Links

Come on Blizzard, fix this bug already!

I’ve solo’d everything in Classic with my hunter for transmog purposes, except AQ40 thanks to bugged Prophet Skeram. Should’ve been easy to hotfix this, I don’t understand why we have to wait this long…