Skill decrepency in recrafts

I’m currently looking at my first max renown so I’ve gotten a primal infusion to play with and I’m seeing some weird things.

Shorter recap at the bottom if you want to skip the process of how I got these numbers.

I have invested equal amount of points in shield and chest armorsmithing and on trying to recraft my shield with all Q3 reagents I am noticing my recraft has 21 less skill with a primal infusion then a new craft which doesn’t even use all Q3 reagents.

So I figured lets look at the base numbers; I checked my base shield craft without anything added to it with 6q3 alloys and the rest (9) q2 alloys which gives me a skill craft of 309.
Now looking at the skill I have when recrafting my shield with 100% (6) q3 alloys gives me a skill craft of 288. Remember that missives do not decrease skill, they increase difficulty which means that the existing missive in my current craft is not a variable for this because I’m not comparing difficulty but skill.
That’s straight up 21 less skill on a recraft which I cannot really explain anywhere.

So even with full q3 on the recraft I can never hope to get as high skill as a new craft which uses 40% (6 out of 15) q3 alloys, I thought this was weird, so I checked my crafted chest, which I also have one of.

My base chest armor craft with 7 q3 alloys and 9 q2 alloys has a skill of 310, while when I try to recraft it with full (7) q3 alloys, the skill goes up by 4 to 314, so thats +4 skill.
This is exactly what I’d expect for the shield as well, because I’m using a higher% of q3 base reagents, from 40% to 100%. So there’s something wrong with the shield then?

I decied to do another check on another piece of gear, the leggings cause they require the exact same amount of mats so good to eliminate that variable to compare with the chest atleast. This one I havn’t fully invested too but that shouldn’t matter when comparing base craft skill to base recraft skill right? Wrong.

Base legplates skill with 7 q3 alloys and 9 q2 alloys = 295
Recraft legplates skill with 7q3 alloys = also 314, same as the chest while I have 10 points less invested in legplates.

So to recap:
Base SHIELD skill craft with 6 q3 alloys and 9 q2 alloys = 309
Recraft SHIELD skill craft with 100% (6) q3 alloys = 288 (-21)

Base CHEST skill craft with 7 q3 alloys and 9 q2 alloys = 310
Recraft CHEST skill craft with 100% (7) q3 alloys = 314 (+4)

Base LEGPLATES skill craft with 7 q3 alloys and 9 q2 alloys = 295
Recraft LEGPLATES skill craft with 100% (7) q3 alloys = 314 (+19)

Can someone explain to me where all these numbers are coming from? its not consistent at all, is something bugged or am I missing some hidden modifier?

my best gease woud be from using quality 2 materials in original craft , item remember from what materials it was crtafter or recrafted last time, so you have to do 1st recraft to repleace old materials to q3 befour doing actual craft for q5 item

Thats what I thought originally as well but after comparing the legplates I sort of gave up on that theory.

One thing I forgot to mention; all items I’m checking out in the recraft are already q5 (392 ilvl)

The chest and legplates requiring the same amount of mats but have a 15 skill difference which is completely explainable cause I have less knowledge invested in those but then having an equal skill level with the same mats on the recraft…

Its just weird, like recrafts follow different rules entirely.
Unless you mean there’s some hidden modifier on amount of times items have been recrafted, but the chest and legplates are even on that too with both having been recrafted once from q4 to q5 so technically those should be equal short of the missing knowledge points in legplates which doesn’t explain why my recraft of chest and legplates are equal with 100% the same mats used

it doesnt matter if they are 392 ( q5) , they can be quality 1 , whaty matter is what materials were use to craft them ,

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I did a quick experiment and recrafted my shield without a primal infusion, it was one of my first crafts so yeah it was probably made with lower quality mats and after recrafting with higher quality mats, offering it up for another recraft with high quality alloys its now up to 311 so that does seem to be whats going on here, mystery solved.

Was this explained somewhere that I completely overlooked it? I felt like I had done my research into the profession system already but this came as a total suprise.

If I remember it correctly it was this interview where it was stated that a recraft substitutes 40% of the lowest quality material form a craft.

So if you craft an item with 60% Q3 items and you recraft it with 100% Q3 items you will get the same result as starting with 100% Q3 (and even then recrafting with 100% Q3).
If you start of with 100% <Q3 items you will need 3 recrafts to substitute 100% of the materials (40% → 80% → 100% or if you want to save 20% → 60% → 100%).
So if you plan to recraft an item an max you chances when recrafting you should do the initial craft with at least 60% of Q3 mats.


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Useful info! Had a guy wanting a recraft on something the other day. Wouldn’t seem to boost up, even with 40 inspiration. Sort of makes sense now …

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