Skill requarement confusion

Am I doing something wrong? I had 2 costumers, that wanted Lavish Floral pack (the rare one). They both asked me what quality of materials I need. I decided to experiment with their help. Turns out if they place an order with 9 Mireslush Hides 2* and 1 Mireslush Hide 3* (everythign else max quality), the rank 4 recipe requares 219 skill to be crafted. I have 220 skill. Still doesn’t let me craft it (button is grayed out), and costumers had to add 1 more Mireslush Hide 3* (8+2). I even have a screenshot, but sadly can’t show it to ya, because of trust system. How can I be consistent with my costumers when the system is not consistent with me?

P.S: Is there an addon or some way for me to simulate a craft? Now, if someone asks me what I need, I can’t know for sure if I don’t have the materials myself to simulate the qualities. Is there a way to virtually input my materials, tools and specialisations and the addon (for example) to calculate guaranteed qualities and such? Do I have to get some 3* and 2* materials and stash them in my bank so I can simulate crafts and hope I don’t consume them accidentally?

Thanks for the attention.

Craftsim is an add-on on Curseforge. It’s really good, and the Developers seem fairly active on it. (they actually participate on the WowEconomy subreddit).

It allows you to calculate what Rank Ingredients you need for the next rank. And allows you to calculate the difference extra stats would make to your craft (i.e. if you talented for 10 more Inspiration, there’s a box where you can add 10 more inspiration points).

It also recommends best equipment etc.

It’s not the cleanest UI, and I turn if off if I’m mass crafting as it feels a little laggy. Although I’ve not updated it for a few weeks, so these issues might be fixed.

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Thanks! I’ll check it out ASAP

Personal orders can be placed with crafting materials missing. If you agreed with your customer that he provides mats, then you can and should simply decline the order if something’s missing, especially when it’s an expensive t3 material.
Up to +75 crafting skill comes from using higher quality materials, the rest comes from your crafting gear, base skill and specialization.

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