Just got vs warrior 1 vs 1 and my death strike just healed for about zero?
What happend i had no chance, warrior healed full like nothing while my death strike healed nothing?
Just got vs warrior 1 vs 1 and my death strike just healed for about zero?
What happend i had no chance, warrior healed full like nothing while my death strike healed nothing?
Dk is fine if your not a dk.
Bandages heal more than death strike
Hahahahahhahhaahah sad but so true
Any melee and hunter will roll over a dk now get used to it
3d expansion in arow dk gets hammered what did you expected same balance team
Same trash game
Combat overall is neash
Ill rather play wrath a 2008 year game
than what they did now
Omfg i hope they gona revert this nerf
Cant belive they doing this to dks.
To be honest dks made this game they gave fame to wow.
Dks are not some new “dractyr” class to fck around with it.
Dk is legacy and symbol of WoW they need to be in good standing in every aspect of play.
It’s really sad that blizzard keep showing hatred towards death knights, expansion after expansion. At some point, people will just say screw it and quit for good.
The problem wasnt even death strike. It was how “Gloom” worked with Will of the Necropolis, Rune of spellwarding with “gloom” and “unholy Bond” combined. Death strike could’ve been perfect without being touched. Only nerf those 2 and its fine.
HELLO to UNFUN class start of season nerf DS. after the season end BUFF DS and after new season come gear scale NERF DS. and the show goes on. same as necrotic strike to give us that weak ability necrotic woods.
its the same every season
rogues stay untouched, just reroll to a rogue , mage or warlock ,
much easier time
I dont even know why they gave us will of necropolis no one asked for that and now developers are complaining about that talent combined with ds
Its a good concept, dk had that before. Do more dmg to low hp, take less dmg when low hp. But what they did now just shows how clueless the devs are
is fine NOW ROGUE HEAL MORE soothing Darkness. and lock and dh sp… passive heals. im waiting the last pvp tuning i hope fix thouse
Ams,amz,pvpams,wotn: all of them count as a healing but we dont receive any healing hp from them they are just defensive dmg reduction cds
Dk only healing is Death Strike and its really Dead now.
i didnt play first week but… i feel now when im trying to do some pvp… i feel like im still lvl 60. I get that everyone has 411 pvp gear alrdy and im still 395 or something… but this is … little bit too much imo. Litteraly dont heal at all with my ds. Same time some classes str8 2 shot me for 60-70-80k dmg hits… while my unholy dmg lack any burst… and all the other classes i feel have some passive leech/healing that offheals my dmg. Will see with more gear.
And yeah… why you killed abom limb and left spear of bastion… i dont get it.>???
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