Skinning Onyxia is impossible with unlooted coins

When you do Onyxia and some people don’t loot the coins from her after kill, it’s impossible to skin her. And that happens a lot. People just leave the raid when they see that nothing dropped for them.

So basically, skinning is useless when you do Onyxia with randoms.

Can you please find a solution for this problem? Thank you Blizzard!


You are very close


Lol. So you advise to not raid with randoms when all content in SoD is just designed for randoms? :rofl:

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Am I the only one who has had bad experiences with this issue? :sweat_smile: :sleepy:

The onyxia scale is one of the most valuable things a skinner can farm (maybe even the most valuable thing).

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Recently got into this business, and already got 2 lockouts with the same issue as you. I hardly think they do a fix. Fuel for my irritation :\

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Stop play with randoms

and as a result, scale of onyxia skyrocketed in price on AH, making sure that latecomers and newcomers alike all have to pay premium price if they want to ever enter BWL and progress further than firemaw (or even razorgore in case of black trial).


this is certainly the solution to all problems in this game. thank you for your time and constructive answer :expressionless:


Dont know why ppl are so toxic in regards to this. Just put a 2min timer to loot the boss and everything is fine. Or at least if you leave the raidgrp/dungeon just make it so the reals disappear with you.

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Find a solution! Let her be skinned after 5 min or whatever. The last 3 random raids i created just for skinning her and 3 times someone did not loot their coins. Just bad rewarding. Ppl just leave if they see their item is not dropped. 5 min after leave → delete their coins

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Why not allow people to skin and whoever forgot to loot coins just receives theirs in mail similar to Live when you forget to loot some item.

Remove coins after 5 minutes, including draconic for dummies questitem.
It’s ridiculous that this whole profession is basically useless, cause my main-income can be griefed so easily.

to be honest, if this issue was fixed the price of scale of onyxia would dump so hard its not even worth skinning it anymore.

her scales (before the tarnished reals issue with her) used to be worth like 10g on a good day.

when i realized onyxia dropped tarnished reals and that you couldn’t skin her if people didn’t loot her, the first thing i did was rush to AH to buy all the scales up at 10-20g each.

made bank and sold them all at 100g+.
my only regret is not saving some of them for later since they are worth like 350g+ now XD