How are people already getting this item, i see many on the AH. I’ve only been able to get a max of 24 knowledge points for skinning with no obvious way to get more. Skinning requires 50 knowledge points spent in Luring spec to be able to spawn the rare for this item, no?
There’s a bug/exploit (calling it that because it’s almost definitely not intended) whereby you can learn a crafting profession, get Artisan’s Acuity from crafting items, then drop the profession and move onto another. Rinse and repeat, then go spend the Artisan’s Acuity in Hallowfall to get Skinning knowledge points, which then allows that recipe to be unlocked
So people with the starting capital to bounce between professions have completely dominated the market and managed to get things before they’re really meant to be available
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I see, I guess if it’s an exploit I’m not missing out on anything then. Thank you for the response
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