Skip Campaign

On new alts I get an option to skip the level-up campaign, however I’d taken an alt into TWW before reaching 80, who didnt get this option and nothing is showing when i try to speak with bronzebeared.
Any idea if I can skip the remainder of the campaign, and if so how I initiate it?

Did you do the TWW beginning on the new alt (crash from Dalaran etc) or just portal there? Also are WQ showing for the new alt?

Isn’t Khadgar the one that allows you to skip the intro? You have to find him in Dalaran for the skip.

Do you have the scroll to teleport to where the titan chamber is? Can skip it with Thrall.

Isn’t it just the dalaran intro part?
If you’ve gone past that there’s nothing to skip… Me thinks.

Alts don’t have to do the campaign and can just pick a zone etc.


Idk I have 2x 80 and havent even started the campaign. Nothing in the game forces me or gives me a reason to, I guess can just skip it on main too if want :dracthyr_a1:

It depends what you want to do in the game. It’s usually wise to do the campaign on one character because it unlocks everything.

However if you never want to unlock anything then it doesn’t matter.

I would always advise players to do it on their main.

Once season begins in 2 days Ill only focus on pushing rated in whichever happens to be the current most popular mode which looks to be bg blitz now for this expansion, for it theres no encouragement or reason to do campaign or anything else either in the game so Ill probably end up skip it and all the zones entirely. The game is this now sadly, everything in the game is optional.

In theme of it I could say how theyre making even rated a solo content now and not promote guild or organized coordinated play or making friends in mmo anymore. With the new addition of solobg along shuffle there will be no reason for communities or anything that promotes joining a guild or making friends either, they say they want to give players a choise but in real theyre really killing it as mmo. Just like the campaign and world has lost meaning with this making it optional. Its looking to be the expansion where I do the least in it, when the game dont give me reason to.

You are an anomaly. Most people require something that is unlocked by doing the campaign.

Dunno, pvp doesnt seem to have anything that requires anything from it or from the zones :dracthyr_shrug:

If you don’t want to do PvP WQs then no.