Skipping Hellfire Peninsula?

Hey! So, I’m leveling up my level 60 Human Priest in TBC Classic

I always hated Hellfire Peninsula and I decided to go to Shattrath
Now my question is: Can I skip Hellfire Peninsula and level up in another zone?
Should I level up in Terokkar Forest or other?
I love Nagrand and I’m really anxious to level up there!

Thank you! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Yeah, you can easily skip it at 60. Just go to Cenarion refuge in Zangar and proceed from there.


If you are unconcerned about rep and are well rested, I think you can just skip it. I kind of hate it, too. Also, you can do some dungeons, if you find groups. Should be no problem.

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I think you can get to 60 in the old world and skip straight to zangarmarsh. You can also just run dungeons to skip all quests in outlands if you wanted.

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If you’re a dungeon spammer, you could be doing Ramps from 59 onwards and not worry about the outdoors quests. With 60 or 61 you’re good enough for Zangar.

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You can get to lvl 62 easily in Azeroth then go straight to zangar/trokky forest :+1:


There were guides pre TBC of how to take lvl 63 without ever stepping into Outland. Most of them required you to hold group/raid quests turn in or not doing certain quests that required items that can be prepared in advance. Once TBC went live people took these items and made run across Azeroth to turn em in.

If you are level 60 you can either dungeon grind (that is slow due to less people playing today, compared to launch) or start from Zangarmarsh, but I reccomend against it.
HFP has pretty good gear awarded for very simple quests. If your character is boosted in communal gear this is especially significant. Don’t even thing about going to HFR dungeon in ilvl 40 greens.

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Technically you can reach level 70 without ever setting foot in outland, but it obviousy won’t be very effective.

Whether or not you will have a good time skipping hellfire depends a lot on your gear and what you want to do. If you are entering outland in questing greens or communal gear I would suggest at least doing some of the early quests for some big, fast gear upgrades. Alternatively you could also do a few dungeons for some xp, reputation and gear (make sure you grab the quests for them).

Zangarmarsh is the zone you will want to go to if you decide to skip hellfire, but be warned that even in zangarmarsh there will be a lot of quest that requires level 61 to pick up. That will make questing there from levle 60 a lot less efficient than it would have been if you entered at level 61.

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Thanks guys! I’m thinking about leveling in Zangarmarsh while also doing some dungeons. What dungeons should I run at level 60?

Thanks! :grin:

Absolutely. If you want to min-max rep for revered for heroics, then skipping quests until you are honored from dungeons is ideal (normal mode dungeons in Hellfire doesn’t award rep above honored, except Shattered Halls which goes all the way to exalted. But good luck running that one consistently while not being a frost mage xD)

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I did quest in Hellfire on my hunter then went to Zangarmarsh as soon as I hit 60, it’s about 18-20 quests, usually up to the run to the temple of telhamat.

My skinning is already at 350 and I am about 60.5 and still have loads of quests left in Zangarmarsh.

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If you’re heal spec, you could skip all the zones to hit 70. Loads of quests for gold later. Upside is you’ll be reasonably geared at 70, downside is you’ll hate dungeons for a few weeks when you hit 70.

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