Skirmish is what soloq could be

i am not a huge fan of rating in general myself. I usually only do arena as a means of getting gear, then go back to unrated content to have fun after a long day at work.
For me solo queue is a mean to get my goal quicker as I can skip the waiting time in lfg as my play times are just so out of peak hours :expressionless:

Skirmish would be good but it is just premades vs ilvl 130 dudes, so i absolutely ignore skirmishes.

Solo queue can work but only if it’s the same bracket as premade 3s so it will still push players to play in premade comps but if they have no stabile partners they can play with LFG and find partners basing not on linked achievements but on playstyle. It will also find a lot of undiscovered comps that can be extremely strong but no one tried them yet.

Other option I’d bring back is solo queue rated 5s. 5s are less comp dependant and specs like MW can be actually op there if combined with other healer who can cover their weaknesses. 5v5 is ideal bracket for solo queue entry level. It’s not rock/paper/scissors like 2s and with compositions of at least 1 meele, at least 1 ranged and two healers it can be very nice for new players to try PvP before they will move to 3v3.

And yet WoW as a standalone PvP game who doesnt have soloque unlike all these other games look terrible in participation.

So whats your point

Maybe should learn from one of the countless succesful other games?

Also the argument of splitting the playerbase when currently the playerbase feels like on a all-time-low is nonsense aswell.

  1. thats how Arena worked since the beginning. If you want to play double dps dk is the wrong choice but there are many specs who can play double dps especially this season where hybrid offheal is so high.(mage, rogue, ret, sp, enh, ele just to name a few viable double dps specs). I even played boomkin/frostdk up to 1800 everything is possible.
  2. The higher you get the more meta combs you face. This is normal in every competetive pvp game. You cant change that. If soloq will be introduced you think at higher ratings wont be more meta specs? it will be exactly the same.

they dont care about 2s and i actually think its good. They dont care too much about 3s either but most specs have viable combs in 3s.

of course because you dont need to improve, have a gameplan or anything to win in skirmishes.

at higher ratings there would be also only the meta specs

only if soloq ladder is the same as 3vs3 ladder if not than normal ladder will die out eventually.

wtf nobody wants this. Thats the most stupid thing i heard

wrong look at the games played each bracket.

if they introduce soloq then only in 3vs3. It doesnt makes sense for 2vs2.

Wait a second… isn’t rdruid a meta healer in 3v3s now with the new caster cleave meta?

you do you, no point in arguing. ladder is dead already anyways so why would you care

good argument

ladder is dead because the season is way too long, nobody needs gear anymore, its time for 9.1 but blizz is lazy. Ladder was extremly active in the beginning of the season.

I can straw you with my little finger, truth why you protect current state of game is because you want those free wins, so you can form your sweet RMP since its S-tier comp you will automaticy win most of games vs B-Tier comps. You also know that if they make SoloQ, no one except other S-Tier comps will remain in regular bracket, and you dont have skills to play vs. them, you need those free wins, so you vote against fairplay… You are just PvP parasite, meta abuser, and you fear solo Q like vampire fear light because it gonna put you where you belong.

In short you know that if SoloQ is up you gonna be puted where you belong, and I smell that you not like place where you belong, so you love to live in illusion… SoloQ is imminent soon or later, people are sick of this low skill meta otherwise they wont ask SoloQ

Did anyone see bad mage around? Want me to pay money and record video how someone grandma play mage on high ratting? Low skill stuff worth of 0 respect

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