Skullcrusher (PvP) Alliance Reconnections

Aha i spot a slask, Pund dwarf paladin here from The hive / Caelestis xD

Settled on Razorgore, Alliance side. Hopefully tomorrow won’t bring a 5 hour queue.

Hi Xeno, i am on Ashbringer server.

HAMMER! :hearts:

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Human Lock
GM of ACC its been a long time

Ihsahn - NE hunter
Stormblaast - NE Priest

Played mainly PvP and part of KoTT.
Planning to make character on Gehennas. Some skullcrushers are ressurecting there :wink:

Faitaia NELF Rogue
Dea and The Hive -Then transfered to Mazrigos with guild when SC had lag issues

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Catriona sounds so Familiar NE priest?

That’s the one :wink: You and gypsy Painkeep were my favourite rogues :heart:

Oh sweet Cat!So much memmories! Are you playing on any server now any other old folks from the guild?

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So many memories indeed, Faifai! I’m definitely tempted by Classic but life is pretty different to how it was 15 years ago - so much adulting to do - I guess it’s the same for all of us :sweat_smile: Not playing at the moment and I don’t know anyone else who is…

Hi all.

I played a char named “Mithrillax”. Dorf Paladin :wink:
VVV Veni Vidi Vice for the win! you Belgian/Holland crazy ppl :slight_smile: <3 <3

Loved the game for sure. And spend a huge amount of time on it.

I do miss the days. the people, the community

How is the game (Classic client)? any good?
where are most old Skullcrusher ppl playing? i might have a sneak peak


Shadowmeld - NE rogue
Healme - Human warrior
Molested … which is this character, a Belf hunter that had the sole purpose of being a troll character on the forums. Now named something completely different for obvious reasons.

I initially played with Bad Company when that started, then moved to Mythical just after BC started doing MC. I played the warrior on and off, usually in the same guilds.

I don’t know who I would like to catch up with, but I remember a few - just not entirely sure on the names they used at the time. But if only I would remember, a flood of names would come up. A flood of three names, to be precise.

COTH has reformed on Ashbringer we have a lot of ex mythical players with us there.

COTH has reformed on Ashbringer with most of the COTH guild and Shando/Mythical/Project X players

Night Elf Female Hunter - Vargtass. (My main).
Human Female Mage - Olivia.
Night Elf Male Rogue - Måntiara.

I raided at first with Subjects of Elune, of which I only remember the GM being a british dude playing a NE Female priest, and a dutch guildie playing a Male Human Paladin named Lucas.
After that I joined the Swedish guild Illuminators.

I remember some of the guildies… Zorken (NE Male Druid), Svartbrandt (?) (NE Male Warrior), Anatic (Human Female Paladin), Capadde (NE Male Hunter), Dado (Dwarf Male Rogue). Any Illuminators here? :slight_smile:

Gimjo, whats your ingame name on ashbringer? You can contact me on “anonus” on Ashbringer.

Seeyou ingame

Aye, used to play as Hunter (Elwine) - Officer of White Coats

Good to see some familiar names =)

Rat - Ad3 obviously :slight_smile:

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Fun times ! this was in Aq40 if i´m not mistaken :slight_smile: