Aha i spot a slask, Pund dwarf paladin here from The hive / Caelestis xD
Settled on Razorgore, Alliance side. Hopefully tomorrow won’t bring a 5 hour queue.
Hi Xeno, i am on Ashbringer server.
Human Lock
GM of ACC its been a long time
Ihsahn - NE hunter
Stormblaast - NE Priest
Played mainly PvP and part of KoTT.
Planning to make character on Gehennas. Some skullcrushers are ressurecting there
Faitaia NELF Rogue
Dea and The Hive -Then transfered to Mazrigos with guild when SC had lag issues
Catriona sounds so Familiar NE priest?
That’s the one You and gypsy Painkeep were my favourite rogues
Oh sweet Cat!So much memmories! Are you playing on any server now any other old folks from the guild?
So many memories indeed, Faifai! I’m definitely tempted by Classic but life is pretty different to how it was 15 years ago - so much adulting to do - I guess it’s the same for all of us Not playing at the moment and I don’t know anyone else who is…
Hi all.
I played a char named “Mithrillax”. Dorf Paladin
VVV Veni Vidi Vice for the win! you Belgian/Holland crazy ppl <3 <3
Loved the game for sure. And spend a huge amount of time on it.
I do miss the days. the people, the community
How is the game (Classic client)? any good?
where are most old Skullcrusher ppl playing? i might have a sneak peak
Shadowmeld - NE rogue
Healme - Human warrior
Molested … which is this character, a Belf hunter that had the sole purpose of being a troll character on the forums. Now named something completely different for obvious reasons.
I initially played with Bad Company when that started, then moved to Mythical just after BC started doing MC. I played the warrior on and off, usually in the same guilds.
I don’t know who I would like to catch up with, but I remember a few - just not entirely sure on the names they used at the time. But if only I would remember, a flood of names would come up. A flood of three names, to be precise.
COTH has reformed on Ashbringer we have a lot of ex mythical players with us there.
COTH has reformed on Ashbringer with most of the COTH guild and Shando/Mythical/Project X players
Night Elf Female Hunter - Vargtass. (My main).
Human Female Mage - Olivia.
Night Elf Male Rogue - Måntiara.
I raided at first with Subjects of Elune, of which I only remember the GM being a british dude playing a NE Female priest, and a dutch guildie playing a Male Human Paladin named Lucas.
After that I joined the Swedish guild Illuminators.
I remember some of the guildies… Zorken (NE Male Druid), Svartbrandt (?) (NE Male Warrior), Anatic (Human Female Paladin), Capadde (NE Male Hunter), Dado (Dwarf Male Rogue). Any Illuminators here?
Gimjo, whats your ingame name on ashbringer? You can contact me on “anonus” on Ashbringer.
Seeyou ingame
Aye, used to play as Hunter (Elwine) - Officer of White Coats
Good to see some familiar names =)
Rat - Ad3 obviously
Fun times ! this was in Aq40 if i´m not mistaken