The mysterious crazy gnome with no mic! I will forever remember you rp-ing running into the gong head first at the panther boss in ZG
Avanze / Hellguard - Human Paladin
Mitzo - NE Warrior
Gotenks/Joetenks NE Warrior of Bad Company.
Really hope everyone from old Skullcrusher is doing well! Currently playing Shazzrah as Joetenks.
Stay safe!
Kovenant / Lumpface
Freestylers, Bound By Blood, VVV
The Nostalgia!
Dec - Phoenix Knights forever! Played with u and Liriel and the wee Scots pally - cant remember his name now. Great times.
You ugly gnome! (Azbah here)!
I forgot this Undercity raid I recorded on what can only be described as a potato by modern standards. Some players can be identified, if you cross your eyes and look beyond the monitor.
This was after I left Bad Company to Mythical.
Among the players was a dear friend, one I called a very good one, who passed quite some time ago. I still think about him.
So many memories.
Our guild was Dutch/Belgium in the beginning, named Bound by Blood. Aronian (still know him in RL) and Tita as our leaders
Later on our guild went international and personally had some great times with Maff (hunter) and Mootang (warlock). Still love you England boys!
I had contact over the years with Darkmephisto, asking (begging) him to join WoW again, but he was busy RL and had no time for WoW anymore
Guilds I remember; Fusion, Bad Company, Adrastus III, Dude wheres my mount, Veni Vidi Vice, Stars of Elune, Tainted.
I had a mix in PvE / PvP. Fought for quite some time alongside Papillon.
For a few months playing Classic now on Gehennas (as horde, SORRY!). Preparing for WotLK. Wished I started Classic from the beginning though. I would have stayed Ally, but started playing with a friend and he is horde.
I will never forget the times we had together, not only with guildies. Ironforge, I love you.
My chars on Gehennas;
Niettepijlen - troll hunter
Stroomstoot - troll shaman
Big love to anyone I interacted with in the good old days ^^
Human Fury Warrior
Bound by Blood
Oh man, i remember you!
Alright, this topic filled me with so much joy had to use some external tools to lookup the history ^^
Played a Night Elf Priest called Acolyte (still have the character <3)
been in the guilds:
Veni vidi vice
No Mercy
Sons of Orion
Played the most in WOTLK era, my IRL buddy Malfurius (human mage) got me into it, he was a harcore Bound by Blood guy for a long time and later ended up at Sons of Orion aswell.
If anybody wants to relive the glory days of WOTLK , feel free to contact me!