Skullcrusher (PvP) Alliance Reconnections

The mysterious crazy gnome with no mic! I will forever remember you rp-ing running into the gong head first at the panther boss in ZG :slight_smile:

Avanze / Hellguard - Human Paladin

Mitzo - NE Warrior

Gotenks/Joetenks NE Warrior of Bad Company.

Really hope everyone from old Skullcrusher is doing well! Currently playing Shazzrah as Joetenks.

Stay safe!

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Kovenant / Lumpface

Freestylers, Bound By Blood, VVV

The Nostalgia!

Dec - Phoenix Knights forever! Played with u and Liriel and the wee Scots pally - cant remember his name now. Great times.

Deltaa :slight_smile:

You ugly gnome! (Azbah here)!

I forgot this Undercity raid I recorded on what can only be described as a potato by modern standards. Some players can be identified, if you cross your eyes and look beyond the monitor.

This was after I left Bad Company to Mythical.

Among the players was a dear friend, one I called a very good one, who passed quite some time ago. I still think about him.

(447) Undercity Raid Trailer - Mythical - WoW - YouTube

So many memories.

Our guild was Dutch/Belgium in the beginning, named Bound by Blood. Aronian (still know him in RL) and Tita as our leaders :smile:
Later on our guild went international and personally had some great times with Maff (hunter) and Mootang (warlock). Still love you England boys! :slight_smile:

I had contact over the years with Darkmephisto, asking (begging) him to join WoW again, but he was busy RL and had no time for WoW anymore :wink:

Guilds I remember; Fusion, Bad Company, Adrastus III, Dude wheres my mount, Veni Vidi Vice, Stars of Elune, Tainted.

I had a mix in PvE / PvP. Fought for quite some time alongside Papillon.

For a few months playing Classic now on Gehennas (as horde, SORRY!). Preparing for WotLK. Wished I started Classic from the beginning though. I would have stayed Ally, but started playing with a friend and he is horde.

I will never forget the times we had together, not only with guildies. Ironforge, I love you.

My chars on Gehennas;
Niettepijlen - troll hunter
Stroomstoot - troll shaman

Big love to anyone I interacted with in the good old days ^^


Human Fury Warrior
Bound by Blood

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Oh man, i remember you!

Alright, this topic filled me with so much joy :slight_smile: had to use some external tools to lookup the history ^^

Played a Night Elf Priest called Acolyte (still have the character <3)
been in the guilds:

Veni vidi vice
No Mercy
Sons of Orion

Played the most in WOTLK era, my IRL buddy Malfurius (human mage) got me into it, he was a harcore Bound by Blood guy for a long time and later ended up at Sons of Orion aswell.

If anybody wants to relive the glory days of WOTLK , feel free to contact me!