Skyriding and druid flight form

I think there are still lots of bugs with flying that need to be taken care of.

I have a bug that most likely relates to the way that water collision in dragonriding/druid flightform works.

In druid flight form, the old way of flying as a bird, if i change pitch, go up or down, i cant till i meet some sort of threshold. Once the threshold is met only then does the animation skip a frame and then let me go down.

If you look at the video you can cleary see that i am changing pitch with the mouse which should translate to immediate pitch changes. But it is not happening til i meet that threshold. Its a bug.

A nasty bug as that is game breaking. It breaks immersion, flow, animation and game play.

I have to switch in and out of the two flight forms using that toggel to get rid of it and even that is not a guarantee.

Flightform for druids is broken. They really need to look hard at making our druid flight form as a competitive alternative not some nostalgia trip.

We should be able to fly as fast as dragons in druid flight form. Otehrwise it is not even worth working on this anymore.

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I’m not sure what you mean here, but you can visit Moonglade and buy the mount form book to learn and then your mount and flight form will kind of be like two different forms, but you cannot swap between the two instantly for some reason.

Exactly, because while the Moonglade book allows you to transform into stag form, the game considers you “in travel form” and thus you cannot shift back and forth between mount and flight Form. You always have to cycle through Tauren form in between. Very clunky and annoying. If it were truly a separate form, you could shift directly like between cat and bear.


Why are they attempting to force druids who have flown like this since TBC away from our way of flying?

We are now punished in druid flight form by being made to go slower unless we accept the terms of the dragonriding way of flying. Herbing or doing any sort of gathering will ultimately results in a wait on that stinking bar to fill up. In our flightform we dont have to wait but are made to go 1/3 the speed. THis is ridiculous. They need to fix our flightform. No and if or buts.

Why cant we use our flightform and go just as fast as the dragons. Why are they placing so much emphesis on waiting for some bar to fil up?

What is the holdup? Seriously.

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Even then you are handicapped. Take off out of the water does not work and neither does flying in flight form in dungeons.

It does work when in water but it is not always guaranteed unlike before where we could swim to the top in sealion and change autmatically.

Now we have to jump out of water and hope you hit the Skyward Ascent button in time to fly up. Its a messs compared to what we had before which was a seamless transition

Doesn’t work for me, I always get the error “this only works in midflight” or something like this. It never once worked in flightform whereas I don’t have any issues whatsoever leaving the water if I just use my Drake mount.

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a separate toggle would be perfect solution, or just leave the flight form static as it was, it was a great addition to dragon flying mount, but I can understood now, why they did it: because if not, flying via flying form would not be possible in TWW, because you have to achieve the static flying first and can only dragonfly there … of course, it makes no sense at all, but it was the decission made by blizzard and they do not want to exclude the flying form from flying in TWW …

But I hope they will overthink it and provide a better solution here, separate toggle would be perfect for the future

the same here, tried diffent timings, I have to mount up to get out of the water, seemless transition from aquativ form to flying is not possible anymore with dragonflying enabled … guess it is because of the GCD which prevents the direct transition and then put you back in water and then you in the death loop here^^

I completely agree with what is said above. I’m a returning player (last time I played was Legion) and my druid feels so broke when it comes to movement. I’m almost at that tipping point where I would just quit the game again… :slightly_frowning_face:

Please give us (the option) to remove dragon flying from flight form. In addition, I would like to have the old travel form back. I enjoy running around in a cities in a ground travel form in combination with charge rather than automatically switching to flight form… Especially because mount form doesn’t gives us the option to run around in cheetah form and we have to wait for global cooldown (and press the button twice) to pop into flight form.

ps: as returning player it took me ages to even be aware that mount form exists…

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I can get out of the water just fine with Dragonriding enabled? Just double tap space and rocket skywards.

I dont have issues with this either, but I guess that if you have a little lower latency it might be tricky?

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That’s an interesting thought, I play on about 21ms and can do it!

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