Skyriding and druid flight form

While being able to skyride as druid in my travel form sounded cool in theory, in practice it’s downright horrible. I’ve been maining druid for the past 13 years and I can say that it completely removes one of the biggest advantages of playing druid - an instant flying mount that allows you to collect stuff for quest, proffesions, etc…
I’d rather not have skyriding on other mounts at all if that would allow me to have my constant static flight form again…
Or at least make some sort of a better toggle, or two flight forms for druids, one permanently static and one for skyriding, I don’t really care, but I wish our “normal” form would come back without the constant never ending switching, please Blizzard. Not a single druid I’ve seen is enjoying this. (If there actually are some who do, good for you at least.)


If I had the wings of a sparrow
The dirty great butt of a crow
I’d fly over Blizz HQ tomorrow
And poop on the people below


Yes, I totally agree, for example, when we could, finally, static flying in dragon isles, I was so happy because I could insta fly form from my dragon midair and do quest, etc., I was thinking constantly this is one of major things that makes me love druid. Now is almost the same feeling as if I could not static fly.
You have to go to the ground to change it, just make it very similar to all other classes… It removes all the fun.
I would prefer not having Sky riding in fly form for sure, or having a spell that u choose the type of flying on druid form, independent of this one that changes all mounts.
The way it is, is very sad indeed, changes the way we play and have always played.


Blizzard really want to irritate as many players as possible. Don’t they?


This is what really puzzles me. I can understand that they stay firm in the face of resistance on big issues like the tank tuning that will have significant impact on the game as a whole. But why force little stuff on players, like the 5 sec toggle cast time or the loss of cosmetic Moonkin form? In the end, those do not make that much of a difference except that they needlessly annoy people. Why do they refuse to cash in on these quick wins?

This is really why we have the “fun detected, exterminate” meme.


Just let flight form stay normal flying: problem solved! I want to keep it as it was.


I actually enjoyed Dragonriding flight form on beta. It is just the toggle cast time that feels horrible.

Just give us two different toggles, one for mounts, one for flightforms. Or, better, remove the cast time from the toggle, so that you can just macro two different buttons for fast and steady flight form flight.

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If it’s not broke, don’t fix it. It certainly wasn’t broken throughout DF, it was absolutely perfect. Now they fixed it, it’s broke :person_facepalming:t2:


I hate that the toggle applies to flight form too! It was great being able to pick between them, if I wanted to travel somewhere fast I’d use my dragon, if I wanted to precision flying in a small area collecting quest items I’d use my flight form. It was perfect.


Yes! Please give us a separate toggle for the flight form. I am so so sad about this change for the worse.


Whole skyriding system is downgrade, before we had mounts that can fly normaly, mounts that skyride. Now we can only fly normal way or skyride, no in between. Why not just add ability to skyriding bar that converts flying modes on the fly, like stop in the air ability was added.


That would be cool if we could switch back and forth during flight. But also too much fun, so not allowed :robot:

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The sky riding system felt great as long as I could choose sky riding as an option.
I would like to do some routes with sky riding but not every route.
The 5 second cast time is just the tip.
Why can’t I permanently disable this for my flight form AND for other mounts?

That either or is absolute hell!

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Eh, essentially you’ve been given your cake and you could eat it too. Then they took it away…

What you mention should also hold true for non-druids. In that you could have your standard mount next to the dragon mount on your action bar without the need of the 5 second cast time.

But seeing everything that is currently going on with TWW I don’t think it’s a current priority to make more customization. It would definitely be neat to be able to tag on/off a per mount basis.

If they just removed the cast time from the toggle, this would at least become doable with macros.

If they could make it so that the shift from Mount to flightform was instant, even if the 5 seconds cast was still there to switch back to mount mode, would make it a lot less of a kick in the nuts for Druids.

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Please also make Mount Form and Flight Form two separate spells again. With Flight Form now offering Skyriding (plus the super-annoying 5 sec toggle …) switching between ground and flying has now become super awkward - while you can use the Mount Form skill purchasable in the Legion class hall, the game considers both the same mount and hence you have to unshift into Tauren form before you can shift between the two.

Making them separate again would allow to switch directly between ground mount and flight form.

Dragonflight ruined druids. It is taht simple.

They punished druids who want to use their old form by making their old form so slow, people start to switch. This is intended behavior.

They dont care that you played this way since TBC. They give zero you know what’s.

This new flightform we got is also garbage. It is slower. Far slower.

The only way they could fix this is if druid flight form was as fast , on average, as the dragons.

Herbing in new dragonsflight is garbage and breaks the immersion and flow. No longer can you just go from one herb to the next but you have to wait for some bar to fill up. Typical that, waiting for some bar. Not the just the bar bit but the waiting. As wow is all about wating.

That’s all what we need to know.
And because it was made intended – that will be not fixed.

They just screwed up one of the druid’s main features. Just because.

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Is it me or does diving into the water and being changed to aqua form somehow deactivate Skyriding?

After having been turned into fish form, I cannot fly using flight form, even after getting back on land. I have to switch out of travel form and back into flight form before I can take off.

Interestingly, I can take off from the water using a normal skyriding mount.