SL Easter Eggs and References

:egg: Easter eggs. Do they even celebrate easter in the Shadowlands? Here are some I found, leave your ones in the comments. :egg:

Avengers: Infinity War/Endgame: The toy named “Malfunctioning Goliath Gauntlet” is a pretty obvious reference to Thanos’ Infinity Gauntlet. Its use is to wipe out half the critters in your area.

The Umbrella Academy: The Mad Duke Theotar is a clear reference to the character of Klaus from the Netflix show Umbrella Academy. He speaks, dresses and behaves in a very similar manner and even holds a black umbrella over his head. :wink: Also Theotar’s obsession with tea can be a wink to Klaus’ alcoholism.

Flappy Bird: The Paragon’s Challenge in Bastion gives a WoW a spin on the flappy bird game.

The Fates: In the Spires of Ascension, Devos’ three lieutenants are named after the fates from the ancient Greek mythology. Speaking of which…

Greek-inspired Names: Bastion is full of people with Greek words as names, most notably the owl people running around, as it’s partly inspired by the mythology.

These are the ones off the top of my head, which ones have you found?

Reservoir Dogs: That crypt in Darkhaven (?) in Revendreth where you have 3 venthyr pointing crossbows at each other, one goes “Let’s lower our weapons and talk about this”, but they all end up shooting each other.

… I’m assuming “easter egg” somehow means “reference” going by the examples given :thinking:

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God of War (Kratos and Atreus ) Easter egg, an orc warrior with a son who is holding a bow.

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Do Blizzard references count?

Because Wormhole Generator: Shadowlands has flavor text that is a reference to one of King Leoric quotes in Heroes of the Storm.

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Maldraxxi soldiers at Seat of the Primus are references to various rock bands (Osbourne Black, Sabbath Nightblade, Arkadia Moa etc.)

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no its reference to Alice in the wonderland

Theatre of Pain, Gorechop yells “Rend and tear”.
Clear Doom “Rip and Tear” easter egg :wink:

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Oh I missed these ones, nice finds

Right, forgot about this one.

This one too, there seems to be a reference for everyone there lol


I had not spotted ANY of these

hangs head in shame

May not exactly be an Easter Egg, but there’s a huge Maldraxxi outside the open-world Theater of Pain arena, call… Hellinka.

No, @Punyelf - I did NOT read your linked list before I posted this, I saw him (NPC) earlier when clearing Maldraxxus Bonus Q’s.

I said nothing :stuck_out_tongue:

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One day in Maldraxus I was going to a WQ when I seen an interactable egg. I clicked it only to get a spider on my face and then for up to two minutes my character started getting sore stomach notifications after the spider fell off. Next thing I knew I had given birth to a small spider family. My female gnome felt so… disgusted.

I think it might have been a less violent reference to the movie Aliens? The face huggers.

The fight against KT at end of venthyr campaign is a reference to his HoTS incarnation. Aside from quotes he uses in the game, his Death and Decay, Glacial Spike, Frozen Blast and Death Fissure abilities are basically carbon copies of how these abilities work in HoTS (which actually helped me fight him as I play KT a fair bit in HoTS a while back).

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