SL PvP vendors are not good enough

And you are getting it back for SL. YET people are still not happy?
So I will ask again. Give the stat back and will that calm them down?
Or suddenly a third demand will pop up?

Because PvE gear will still be better, so you are still forced to do PvE, which makes the vendor serve no function.

With a PvP stat on the vendor gear it would make it superior to PvE gear, which makes the vendor relevant.

What is hard to understand about this?


Imagine someone has, at the same time, brain cancer, kidney tumor and covid 19. He somehow gets cured of brain cancer, but then, when he wants the other two things to improve, the doctor says:

The same can be said about WoW PvP. I stand behind every person on these forums that makes PvP related demands, since it has gone to hell and the joke is no longer funny. Ion needs to get fired.


Its a video game. Not a health issue.
There are also stuff which I disliked or hated in the PvE field. But just bit the bullet and carried on. You can’t get everything…sadly, this is also true in real life.

I guess thats what the doctor should say to the patient: You can’t get everything hurr durr.

If you are not a PvPer then this discussion doesn’t have any affect on you. Scatter.

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If the cancer is not curable and terminal. And brain cancers are not usually the ones that are easily treatable sadly… Should he say “Dont ya worry. I will fix this!”. Doctors are not Gods and cant save absolutely everyone every time.
Since you were so keen on that cancer example…

Oh. I am sorry your highness. I didn’t knew I had to get a written permission from you to post on a Blizzard forum.

Also this was posted in the general section. So everyone can read it and comment it. Even pet battlers if they want to… …your majesty?

Idk, man, you’re disgustingly irrelevant in this discussion so imma leave it at that. Not gonna reply to you anymore.

Indeed. Cause I am not a “yes-man” and have an unpopular opinion. Imagine that?

Ty. Appreciated.

Bring back pvp set bonuses that add X ilvl and 2 trinket set bonus


They should offer useful gear. You know, not blue starter items, but gear that actually makes you competitive.

I can’t speak for others. Personally, I was cautiously optimistic from the moment I heard they were bringing back vendors. You ought to know it’s not just a matter of getting vendors back. There’s more to it than that. Are people really in the wrong for assuming Blizzard would be inclined to know this much? I don’t think so myself.

Why are you so antagonistic ?

i haven’t looked at the gear offered, but from what ive read others say, the issue is that the gear is weaker in pvp than pve gear. so it basically like they’ve just given us a weak pve vendor.

its not about wanting more and more and never being happy. pvp vendors have been in the game since vanilla, and had special stats as far back as TBC. i remember people not wanting me in dungeon groups because i had pvp gear in TBC, but you would FAR prefer the pvp gear over pve gear in pvp because of resilience.

pvp vendors should never have been removed. and worse was the excuse. “people have problems finding the pvp vendor”. maybe this was actually meant to be an out of season april fools joke, but it didn’t come across that way when he said it.

pvp is in a bad place right now. and yes giving a vendor is a good start, but the gear it sells needs to be relevant for the content. if pve’s can still just roll over people in the pvp vendor gear, then blizz haven’t actually given pvp vendors back like they were before they were removed.

its like they “gave us back” flying, but not as it was before they tampered. 50%+ of an expansion you still cant fly,

same here. they “gave us back” pvp vendors, but not as it was before they tampered.

funny, both brain childs of ion!

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